Am I The Only One?

The sun begins to rise bringing about a new day.

On this day, we find America and our world in worse shape than yesterday. It’s a disturbing trend that continues to escalate. Just when you think our world cannot become more backward and confused, it does. Just when you think the insanity cannot increase, it does.

That leaves me scratching my head.

I ask myself,

  • How much longer can this go on?
  • Where have all the Americans and God-fearing Christians gone?
  • Am I the only one who sees through the confusion of our time?

The more distorted the news becomes, the more I want to tune out. The more I want to focus on God and my family, but I don’t see that from the world. I see a world that continually gravitates to the news and leaves God in the dust, (2 Timothy 4:3).

I feel many Christians are giving the news more time than God. Many place their emphasis there. This only increases the disturbing trend I mentioned earlier. A negative feed loop only brings about more negatives, nothing positive.

Am I the only one who see’s this?

I know I cannot be, I know I am not, but I sure feel that way sometimes.

Another thought crosses my mind…

Is Jesus going to return soon, or are we in for the long haul?

No one knows that answer, we only know the reality we presently live in, so we must deal with that.

It’s a reality that is continually distorted by distorted minds which we are pressed to believe.

President Joe Biden is one of those distorted minds.

Yesterday, Biden hosted an LGBT Pride Celebration at the White House. Something inconceivable a few short years ago, but something that is now a reality.

During the event Biden said,

“I don’t have to tell you about the ultra-MAGA agenda attacking families and our freedoms.”


It’s not the first time Biden has said something like that.

In fact, Biden has done his very best to divide our country. He never unifies. Personally, I feel the last three Presidents have done a very good job at dividing Americans from Americans.

Biden is just upping the ante.

We all know “MAGA” is tied to former President Donald Trump.

“Make America Great Again.”

Biden paints this pro-American slogan in a negative light. He then attempts to place all pro-Americans into Trump’s camp and then demonize them. This is highly disturbing. I could never vote for Trump, but I believe in old-school Christian American values.

Biden seems to think there is a problem with that. Biden and his cronies have clearly invented a new America, and they demand you accept it.

Biden followed up by talking about “white supremacists,” a new enemy he invented shortly after he obtained office. I remember his words from back in June of 2021.

“Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland”.

While Biden continues to divide Americans, we arrive on the heels of a nation changing event.

The potential for the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse Roe v. Wade, a ruling that made abortion palatable in our nation. Never mind the fact, the states have always had the right to create their own laws, they never needed the Supreme Court to do that.

If a Supreme Court ruling knocks down Roe v. Wade, it’s good, but only reaffirms state rights. Yet, it will be presented by the media that it bans abortion in our nation. Not true.

It will mean, it’s up to the states to decide. Many states have already implemented laws to block abortion or severely limit it, as they should.

Those are not only Christian values, it’s common sense.

Does someone have the right to murder another person?

Of course not.

Nevertheless, Biden’s sympathizers have already attacked pro-life organizations and churches. News is now surfacing that explains these attacks are going to escalate. These attacks will come from leftists, from the woke mob that is daily attacking us with their distorted ideological view.

For all of human history, a man has been a man, and a woman has been a woman.

Not today, Miss Universe thinks anyone can have a period, not just women.

She demands you accept that, and start speaking properly.

Don’t forget your gender nuteral/prefered pronouns.

Look, women have worked for generations to obtain something called, “women’s rights”.

Yet, today’s mainstream society is doing its best to replace the word “women” with “people”. Instead of “him” or “her”, it might be “they” or “them” to identify an individual. They tell us there are many different genders and we must accept it. Otherwise, we are banned from certain aspects of society, even our jobs.

I cannot accept that.

I will never accept that.

Am I the only one?

I hope not.

Perhaps most Christians and conservatives are doing their best to ignore much of this for the sake of their own sanity. I get that.

However, if the minds of distorted people continue the path they are on, if they escalate and begin to attack pro-life organizations and churches for their wicked cause. If they continue this wicked agenda set before us…

I fear Christians and conservatives will have no choice left.

We have refrained and refrained.

We have gone to the voting booth, and we will continue to do so.

Hopefully we can right some wrongs here.

However, I truly feel, something wicked is transpiring in our nation.

With each statue and monumont of our history that comes down. With each new racist rant towards whites, while ignoring the crimes of other races. While leaving our borders open and inviting in illegals.

We are left with few options.

Maybe I’m the only one, but I feel a war is brewing in our nation.

I never really understood how our ancestors could fight against their own blood in a civil war. I now understand why. I now understand how it’s possible. When warped and disturbed minds change reality and attempt to force you to accept it, and shout you down when you don’t.

When their ideology becomes so perverse that they begin to sexualize our children.

We are left with no other options.

This has all been swirling around in my mind for awhile now, but was brought forward yesterday. My wife played a song by Aaron Lewis titled, “Am I The Only One”. The first time she played it was several months ago, around the time it came out.

While we feel we are alone, through Mr. Lewis’ lyrics we become united to know, we are not alone. Though we are anti-YouTube, we found the music video there. It has over 10,000 comments from like-minded individuals on a liberal platform.

What does that tell you?

I am not the only one.

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