Is The Pendulum Beginning To Swing Back?

The last two years have radically altered our world for the worse.

Some people have paraded the increase in perversion, calling it “diverse”. Backword logic is now called “progress”. It’s been a difficult couple of years. Many of us have held our breath, and bitten our tongues to make it through these days.

However, as wickedness has escalated, I am beginning to notice a new trend…

Positive events and pushback.

We’ll talk about some of this today, but it makes me wonder… Is the pendulum of life swinging back, or are we just beginning to see things become a little more balanced?

Time will tell, it always does.

Now, on to those events I mentioned.

U.S. Supreme Court To Rule On Roe v Wade

It’s very possible, the U.S. Supreme Court will issue its ruling on Roe v Wade today. This could very well remove the long-standing precedent of legalized abortion within our union.

We also have a major second amendment issue that could be announced today as well.

We already won this, Court strikes down Maine’s ban on using public funds at religious schools.


Victory for life!

Victory for the 2ND AMENDMENT!

Japan Court Rules Same-Sex Marriage Ban Is Not Unconstitutional

A Japanese court ruled on Monday that a ban on same-sex marriage was not unconstitutional, dealing a setback to LGBTQ rights activists in the only Group of Seven nation that does not allow people of the same gender to marry.


It’s interesting that Japan, a non-Christian nation is the only nation in the G7 that does not allow homosexual marriage. What’s even more interesting, in the year 2022 the Japanese Court upheld their law by disallowing homosexual marriage.

If we are honest with ourselves, Christian or not, homosexuality is not natural, and it’s a bad course for human history to take. Japan already has a problem with an aging population. They need all the babies they can get.

Hungary’s New President Stands For Families

Hungary’s new President, Katalin Novak,

“Considered the declaration in Hungary’s constitution that the mother is a woman and the father a man to be evident. She vowed to protect the amendment of the constitution which defines the family as the union of a man and woman. One based on parent-child relationship.”

Buddapist Times

That’s another victory for God and family that we will gladly accept.

France’s Macron Loses Absolute Majority In Parliament In ‘Democratic Shock’

France’s President Emanual Macron is a leftist who just won re-election, but now his government has fallen apart.

According to reports,

“A broad left-wing alliance was set to be the biggest opposition group, while the far-right scored record-high wins and the conservatives were likely to become kingmakers.”


Over the course of the last two years, we have all seen what liberal politics have done to our world. It placed it into disarray and removed our freedoms. It’s helped cause record inflation around the world, at the expense of the citizenry.

All right, we covered some governmental aspects, now let’s take a look at some civil aspects.

Fina Bars Transgender Swimmers

Fina just so happens to be the swimming world’s governing body. Fina announced they have just banned transgender swimmers from competing in the woman’s class, if they have gone through puberty as a male.

The new policy, which was passed with 71% of the vote from 152 Fina members, was described as “only a first step towards full inclusion” for transgender athletes.

The 34-page policy document says that male-to-female transgender athletes could compete in the women’s category – but only “provided they have not experienced any part of male puberty beyond Tanner Stage 2 [which marks the start of physical development], or before age 12, whichever is later”.


The article went on to say, Fina will establish an “open” category for swimmers who are transgender. To me, that sounds like a separate transgender class of swimmers.

Personally, I don’t want transgenderism in society at all. However, this will alliviate a major concern so many people around the world have concerning this issue.

By the way, this means Will (Lia) Thomas is out!

Transgenders Unable To Compete In Women’s International Rugby League

Transgender athletes are unable to compete in women’s international rugby league matches, including this year’s World Cup, the sport’s global governing body has announced.”

Sky Sports

Another sport governing body has ruled, transgenders cannot compete in woman’s sports.

This is another fantastic victory for humanity!

On another note, can you imagine a 250lb man playing rugby against woman?


Tesla Lays Off Head Of LGBTQ+ And Diversity Lead

Tesla has laid off both the president of its LGBTQ+ community and a lead involved in diversity and inclusivity programs at the company. While they were let go as part of a broader wave of layoffs, it comes amid several comments Tesla CEO Elon Musk made, concerning what he describes as the “woke mind virus.”


They are saying this is a part of wider layoffs.

However, it becomes obvious, the LGBTQ+ department was certainly not important enough to keep around. I tell you what, no company needs to have such a department. If companies are going to have LGBT departments, then they need a Christian department too.

How about Telsa just sticks to building earth destroying lithium battery powered cars.

I’m not out of gas just yet folks, we have more…

Check this out.

Making gender-transition drugs available to transgender youth is supposed to reduce suicide, but newly released research indicates that rates are on the rise in states where minors may access hormones and puberty blockers without parental consent.

A study by the conservative Heritage Foundation published June 13 found that from 2010-20, the suicide rate spiked by 1.6 per 100,000 residents ages 12-23 in states where minors don’t need their parents’ permission to undergo routine medical care.

Washington Times

Now we have major media publications beginning to point out, puberty blockers are dangerous. The idea of attempting to change one’s sex brings about all sorts of troubling issues, including depression which can lead to suicide.

Let’s not forget,

Depression affects LGBTQIA+ folks at higher rates than straight and cisgender folks. LGBTQIA+ youth are more likely than straight students to report high levels of drug use and feelings of depression.


This is all beginning to come to the forefront of society.

While we were told long ago transgenders just want to be accepted, we see that’s not true at all. They want to take over women’s sports and be treated as a different class of people. We can now see, transgenderism is a mental illness that leads to depression and elevated rates of suicide.

Speaking of…

‘I Literally Lost Organs:’ Why Detransitioned Teens Regret Changing Genders

Look what the New York Post reports,

“I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs.”

When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old.

That just described mutilation of one’s body that was performed by our health care system. Don’t lose sight of the fact, the individual in the story ultimately made the decision.

By the way, here is a Twitter thread of a transgender explaining how this stuff is not reversible. You are not going to hear about this one in the news.

This is an absolute travesty!

Now let’s think about this…

The Power Of The Mind

Transgenders feel like they were born with the wrong sex, so they seek to change that through medical procedures. We are told, this is acceptable and should be done.

However, do you realize there is another sector of society that has thoughts along these lines?

It’s called, “Body Integrity Identity Disorder”.

Body integrity identity disorder is a very rare condition. It occurs when your mental body image doesn’t match your physical body. If you have body integrity disorder (BIID), you may have a strong desire to amputate a limb or seek to become paralyzed.

People who suffer from body integrity identity disorder were born with two working arms and two working legs. However, they feel like they are not supposed to have an arm or leg, and they seek to remove it.

Astounding, is it not?

Then we have another portion of society who suffers from “Body Dysmorphic Disorder”.

What is it?

Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition in which you can’t stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearancea flaw that appears minor or can’t be seen by others. But you may feel so embarrassed, ashamed and anxious that you may avoid many social situations.

Apparently, 2-3% of the population suffers from this.

This all tells us, there are people in society who do suffer mental health issues and they need to be treated, not entertained. For the record, only 1.6% of the population is gay, while just 0.6% is transgender.


While we can easily find negative news stories, we should not be blinded to the fact that good things are happening in the world. Nothing ever goes up or down in a straight line. The fact that so much of this is coming to light, and dare I say, becoming mainstream, offers a glimmer of hope.

I think the radical left has pushed too hard too fast and the rest of us are beginning to push back. It would seem, the pendulum is beginning to swing in the other direction.

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