
I’m going to take you verse by verse through the book of James.

Let’s begin with an introduction.


The epistle of James was written by James, the brother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Interestingly enough, James may not have been a believer until after Christ’s resurrection. Though later, James would be called a pillar of the church, (Mark 6:3, Galatians 1:19, 2:9, John 7:3-5).


The Book of James was written around 45 A.D. This makes it one of, if not the oldest book in the New Testament.

James Summary

The book of James teaches us how to interact with each other, how to be good people, neighbors, and good Christians. We will learn why we should never respect someone due to their appearance, something man does, but God does not.

Through James, God provides instruction to rich men, poor men, the common man, and Pastors. We will learn how to put away the lusts of the flesh and embrace God. We will learn how our tongue can destroy us, and how to overcome and learn from temptations.

The book of James is an all-encompassing book. A book that provides guidance to make you a more caring, compassionate, and God-loving Christian.

Book of James Commentary

James 1

We learn to ask God for wisdom and not waiver in our belief. Setting our mind on the things above, not on earthly pleasures ensures we receive a crown of life.

James 2

We discover faith without works is dead. Applying works to our faith means we love our neighbors, help family, and never respect someone by their appearance.

James 3

We learn our tongue is full of deadly poison which is manifest through our words. We curse men and bless God, these are not the righteous acts of a Christian.

James 4

We cannot be a friend of God and the world, when the world creeps in, our flesh and spirit begin to war. Neither should we boast or worry about tomorrow.

James 5

We learn to be patient until the coming of the Lord. Never grudging one another. Instead, we are to confess our faults and pray for each other.

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