Love God And Hate Evil

Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

Psalms 97:10

Now there’s something we don’t hear every day.

Christians are supposed to love God, we get that. However, we are supposed to hate evil.

Don’t get all frazzled on me. God hates evil, God hates Satan, and God is going to destroy Satan and all wickedness one day, (Ps 37:38, 2 Pe 3:7, Rev 20:10, 14).

Personally, I don’t like to use the word “hate,” but let’s not become so religious that we forget to follow what God asked us to do. God does not want us to entertain or give place to evil. He does not want us to allow evil.

Do you know why?

Evil Stands Against God

Evil runs counter to God.

God is everything that evil is not, and evil is nothing that God represents. Evil attempts to destroy God’s good works along with His people, you and I. Many of us see this every day when the television or news comes on. We see righteousness brought down, and wickedness elevated.

If you do not stay focused on God, and remember to hate the evil peddled for righteousness… Then, it may just begin to sucker you in. You may just begin to think, the evilness is not so evil after all. Especially the way evil is presented and promoted today.

The fact of the matter is, God explained very clearly what is sinful, and what is not in the Bible.

  • Christians do not entertain sin.
  • Christians do not entertain evil.
  • Christians do not entertain wickedness.

It’s as simple as that.

So, if we do not stand in the way of evil, if we do not hate evil with a passion, then evil will prosper.

Evil Is Justified

Want proof?

Just look at our world today.

Today, evil is called good, and good is called evil.

How about we hear it from the Book?

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

You see, in our world today, we have allowed evil for generations. We gave it place, we said, “Sit here and dwell among us.” All in the name of “diversity,” “unity,” and “inclusion” of course. If that were not true, verses like this would not define our reality.

What does the Bible tell us about this?

Proverbs 17:15
He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.

Many, even Christians, even churches have justified the wicked, instead of hating evil as they have been instructed to do. By conforming to evil, by allowing evil a foot in the door, evil has thrust open the door, and invaded our homes.

Today, we invite evil into our homes through various forms of “entertainment.” We invite evil into our family lives by allowing worldly ideas and concepts to enter our frame of mind.

We often do this, without even realizing it.

Yet, evil has not only thrust open the door, but invited in more evil. We have given place to evil by not condemning it, and now, we feel powerless to stop it.

Everywhere we look there is evil, and only a few righteous.

We were told these days would come. We were warned, if we did not hate evil and exterminate it from our camps, then it would consume us, (Isaiah 47:10-11).

That day has come.

God Preserves His Saints

However, there is still hope for you and your family. It was contained within the verse we opened this study with. Don’t lose sight of that.

Let’s have it again.

He (God) preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.”

You see, not all of us have allowed evil. Not all of us have given place to evil. God knows that, and God is keeping track. So remember, while evil prospers, you as a God-fearing Christian are to hate evil and all that it represents.

For that, God will protect you from the wicked, and reward you greatly for it, (Daniel 7:18).

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