Biden: No COVID Herd Immunity Until… Thanksgiving

Joe Biden and friends now think herd immunity from COVID-19 may not exist until… Thanksgiving. Possibly evening the beginning of winter 2022 according to The Daily Beast.

Top health officials say they are increasingly worried about the United Kingdom and South African COVID-19 variants, the likelihood that more variants will emerge in the coming months, and the possibility that those variants will evade the vaccines.

Do you see how we are being setup once again?

We are being strung along, just like last year. We were told this would be over by fall, that was months ago. Now COVID is worse than ever if you listen to the news and government.

They are continuing to admit, the vaccines are not effective against the COVID variants and more variants will emerge. They must mean “more variants” as in addition to the 6,000 COVID variants the CDC already told us about.

Friends, even if COVID-19 was the killer they claim it is, the proof is clear from their own mouths. They are never going to stop it, period. Just as they get a vaccine, COVID mutates into 6,000 plus flavors. They can never make a vaccine to combat that.

This is the same scenario we face every year with the seasonal flu. There are probably thousands of variants of the flu as well, which is why they pick one vaccine, their best guess as to what flu strain will be dominate that year.

So that’s it.

If this was really about a virus, this would be the approach. Open it all up since social distancing, masks and destroying our lives did not stop COVID. This will be a never ending cycle, right from the mouth of our own government.

However, that is not going to happen which means there is a very evil and dark agenda lurking behind the curtain.

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