Biden Releases 50,000 Illegals Into U.S., Texas Stands Up

President Biden continues to allow multitudes of illegal aliens into our nation. The border crisis has been a crisis that has spanned decades. Yet, the crisis always becomes worse under a Democrat, especially one as liberal as Biden.

Axios of all media outlets cracked the story.

About 50,000 migrants who crossed the southern border illegally have now been released in the United States without a court date. Although they are told to report to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office instead, just 13% have shown up so far, Axios has learned.


Did you read that?

At least 50,000 illegal immigrants, that would be criminals have been caught by your government, and placed into your sovereign United States.

That means your government is assisting criminals in breaking the law.

Folks, just call it what it is.

That means our own government is circumventing their own law. It means they are circumventing “We The People”.

I suppose Biden figured it was okay, and that you would not mind. He must have also figured these kind criminals would show up for their immigration appointment.

Wrong and dead wrong.

In fact, only 13% of them showed up, which goes to tell us, 87% of illegal immigrants don’t give a damn about you or your America. They just want your free tax money, housing, and free education for their children.

Texas The New America?

Texas has had enough!

We thank our Heavenly Father for that.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday ordered the National Guard to help local law enforcement with arresting migrants as the state continues to see an influx of people crossing the southern border.


Maybe we do have some common sense left in this nation.

To respond to this disaster and secure the rule of law at our Southern border, more manpower is needed — in addition to the troopers from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) and soldiers from the Texas National Guard I have already deployed there — and DPS needs help in arresting those who are violating state law,” the letter stated, according to the news outlet. “I hereby order that the Texas National Guard assist DPS in enforcing Texas law by arresting lawbreakers at the border.”

The sovereign state of Texas finally gets it, they are arresting the lawbreakers.

In order to step up efforts, Abbott and friends have activated the Texas National Guard along with other law enforcement personnel.

This is a great move.

The State Of Our Union

One really must wonder where our Union is going. It seems to be down the toilet, yet, some are grasping to hold onto what little bit of America we have left.

Red states like Texas, Florida, South Dakota, Tennessee, Montana, and so on. We need more leaders to stand up for what is right.

We need more Doctors telling us, COVID is overrated, and the vaccines are a part of the problem.

We need more Law Enforcement telling us, allowing illegal aliens into our nation is a crime.

We need more Lawyers saying, our government needs to be prosecuted for its crimes against its sovereign citizens.

We need more people speaking out. We need more people doing what is right. We need more people telling the world about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The flood of lies has reached the rim and is about to spill over.

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