Global COVID Protests Erupt As Govt’s Step Up Vaccine Efforts

We are all startled by the news of our time, but with each passing day, it becomes that much worse. We have talked a lot about COVID this last year and a half. I even stepped away from the topic fairly recently, but am forced back into discussing it.

It’s the saga that just will not go away. Now we are reading about governments imposing vaccine mandates for society, better said, humanity. This is disturbing, to say the least.

The other day Adriene said,

Remember the mantra “my body, my choice”?

We do Adriene, it was a great mantra. A phrase that conditioned the people to accept the idea of murdering the unborn. To somehow, justify that action. Try using that mantra today to reject the COVID vaccine, and you will get a deer in the headlights stare.

The reason, people have not been conditioned to think that. It’s no secret, the mainstream media and governments of the world are pressing a grievous agenda on the world. They are conditioning the people, controlling what people think and believe.

Yet, we have some rebels my friends.

We have some people who are standing for Adriene’s phrase.

Protests are erupting across the globe right now, though I hear nothing from America.

Where o’ where are our Christian Conservative organizations?

I mean no disrespect, it’s an honest question.

We need you right now.

We need our own protests.

Perhaps that will happen if more vaccine mandates begin to come rolling down the hill.

I will say…

To think we can spread the news via controlled social media is akin to believing a lie. You may share, but does the other party ever see your share? Many are doubting that right now through actual data that people like myself are collecting.

Now for the global protests…


In France, the people are saying they have had enough.

Here is some video footage of a skirmish.

France 24 covered some of the protests as well.

The article explains,

French anti-riot police fired teargas on Saturday as clashes erupted during protests in central Paris against COVID-19 restrictions and a vaccination campaign, television reported.

An official with France’s interior ministry said 161,000 people had demonstrated across the country on Saturday, up from 114,000 a week earlier.

In one week, 50,000 more people joined the protests. That is amazing progress that is being prompted by the overreaching liberal French government.

This is what I am talking about, just days ago, ‘France’s parliament approved a law requiring special virus passes for all restaurants and mandating vaccinations for all health workers.’

That line comes from ABC.

France also passed a new law requiring health care workers to be vaccinated. They have until September 5th to comply, or lose their jobs.

All over a virus with a 99.98% survival rate, my Lord in Heaven, the world has gone mad!


If we jump across the pond to Australia we find people are protesting there as well.

A headline from The Daily Mail reads, Australian anti-lockdown protestors clash with police amid new restrictions after just 176 new cases.

My friends, there is no logic there, none at all. Australia has been one of the worst nations when it comes to removing the rights of the people in the name of “the collective”. That is a nation hell bent on unleashing globalization on their citizens whether they like it or not.

The Guardian adds,

Prime minister denounces ‘selfish’ protesters who marched against coronavirus measures as police taskforce traces everyone who broke rules

Law enforcement.

You are our family and friends, you are our neighbors.

It’s time to do what is right and stand with the people against this tyranny.

Other Nations

Even the Tunisians are protesting “as COVID-19 surges and economy suffers” says Aljazeera.

Here is a quote,

Police used pepper spray on protesters in Tunis who threw stones and demanded Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi quit, parliament be dissolved.


Governments dissolved.

How I am reminded of Revelation 18:21, and how the future solidified global order, Babylon, will be thrown down by God, but not before Babylon throws down the current global structure.

If we take a look at the Guardian, we find another article stating more E.U. states are enforcing vaccination mandates on their citizens.

Ireland and Italy among those joining France in requiring vaccine passes to enter bars and restaurants

What Is Happening?

Governments are purposely dividing the people through mandates. The government does not have enough control over the people. Therefore, government mandates dictate that people must become vaccinated or they cannot work, or even shop in certain stores.

These tools of coercion are being used by governments to force people into vaccination. I should not have to remind you of the similarity to Revelation 13:17, I said similarity, for the reason that verse 16 explains.

What does that mean?

I will not explain it, I need you to think now more than ever before. Read the two verses, and you will see what prompts the Mark.

So relax, we are not there yet.

Instead, stand up for your rights before they are gone.

What About America?

I can hardly spell that word anymore, it’s like a relic from the past. The things that I see from America today, are not the America I once knew. This is startling to me, but more startling to those who have several years on me.

In America, The Department of Veterans Affairs, one of the nation’s largest health systems just mandated vaccination for all health employees.

The mandate includes physicians, dentists, nurses and others who work in patient-facing roles.

This is disturbing.

As I continued to browse through the news, I found major medical groups are calling for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for all health workers.

Dozens of major medical groups, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, called for employers to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for all healthcare workers.

Again, what happened to “my body, my choice”?

Why has that gone out the window?

It does not fit the narrative at hand which is the removal of our rights.

In the People’s Republic of California,

Starting Monday in Montclair, city workers who choose not to wear a mask must wear stickers that prove they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

I did find one positive note…

Teamsters Local 743 has asked a federal court to stop the Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare Pension Funds from deducting paid-time off from members who refuse to take the experimental COVID jab

I keep seeing that word, “experimental” which is used to justify the refusal of this vaccine. That cannot be our grounds here, as that ground will disappear when the vaccines become fully approved.

If your sole reason for not accepting the vaccine is on experimental grounds, that is your choice. But with such an argument, that means you will accept it when it’s fully approved. If you do not feel that way, then please correct your argument, and consider how you discuss this with others.

The people need to stand together right now while we still have the majority of people not vaccinated. Once we lose the remaining ground we have left, it will be that much easier for governments to force mandates, and for their vaccinated citizens to accept such a narrative.

Vaccine Effectiveness

This brings me to another subject I want to discuss, the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Official information out of Israel tells us the Pfizer Covid vaccine is just 39% effective against the Delta Variant. The Delta Variant of COVID that has a 99.9% recovery rate, even if you do become infected.

So why are we being forced to take it?


Control over what you are willing to accept from your government.

Check out this one, Antibodies from Sinovac’s COVID-19 shot fade after about 6 months, booster helps.

So every six months you are going to need a COVID shot. The pharmaceutical companies get rich, governments benefit through taxation, while the people suffer and lose their rights.

Dr. Fauci has already said, a booster shot may be necessary.

Folks, we have all known that for over a year now. We knew that was going to be the case.

Remember our article from over a year ago?

Fauci said COVID is going to be like the seasonal flu.

That means you line up and get your shot every year.

I want you to think about what I said about control.

Look what is happening the world over, governments, companies, and the mainstream media in unison are putting out fear over COVID-19, and planting the seed of vaccine mandates in our mind.

This is so we conform for “the collective”, the greater good as they say. This is about mankind new religion known as climate change. This is about getting the people of the world to agree to merge their kingdoms together in one accord.

We may be many, many years off from that happening, but this is the biggest precursor to that event since the mid-1940s. I am speaking of what was explained in, The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World.

Vaccine Mandate Map

Take a look at this graph.

Infographic: The Countries Where Vaccination Is Mandatory | Statista

Obviously, the entire world has not mandated vaccinations. We all hope and pray it does not go there, but we all need to work together to spread truthful and positive information in order to stop this.

The government can only control you, if you allow it. This “pandemic” of flu like symptoms has gone on for over a year and a half now. This is beyond unbelievable at this point.

Do not get sidetracked with false narratives attempting to explain the current situation. Stick with the Bible and your gut. This agenda concerns globalization for those who see that governments, companies, and organizations the world over are acting of one accord.

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