Biden Welcomes Illegals, Calls Americans Domestic Terrorists

Our nation and freedoms have fallen so far off the map, I don’t even recognize this place anymore. The dictatorships which have been in power for years have eroded our freedoms little by little, day by day.

Somehow, Americans have been coaxed into supporting political parties instead of supporting the flag of this once great nation. Instead of recognizing that, we allow our entire nation to be divided over the colors; red and blue; Republican and Democrat.

It seems these days, we are divided on every topic that comes along; the government and mainstream media ensure we never see eye to eye. At least, that is the perception within the media.

I have to tell you, I never saw division escalate as I saw it under the last administration. As we saw the COVID pandemic grip our nation, freedom-loving people embraced now-former President Trump’s continued executive orders that led to the pandemic itself.

After all, that’s how Dr. Fauci became television’s favorite talking head.

Yet, all of the problems that arose due to those decisions, were blamed on the Democrats.

Now the tables are turned, and we all blame the Democrats, and the Democrats blame the Republicans and/or their ideology for the mess we are in.

It’s a back and forth game of cat and mouse.

Year after year, it’s the same story.

The Republicans are to blame, no the Democrats are to blame.

In the end, we end up paying more in taxes, we have higher inflation, our nation becomes more in debt, and we lose more of our freedoms.

When has it ever changed for the better?

Has there really ever been a time when you actually received more freedom?


Instead, you are conned out of your freedom due to some emergency or dire situation.

  • 9/11
  • The war on terror.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic.

Need I go on?

We, the American people have been played like a fiddle for generations.

We are continually told what is important and what matters by the mainstream media, government, and corporate America.

Aren’t the headlines of today enough evidence of that?

Yet, we play right into it.

How do we do that?

We continually argue their talking points, as if we are really going to fix any situation by listening to the same people who got us into this mess.

But hey, the Republicans will cheer for Fox News, and the Democrats will cheer for CNN.

Our friend said it best, she explained,

Neither party is changing the station to listen to the other side, so no one is ever going to learn anything different from what they already believe.

So true, and within those networks, there is very little truth to begin with. In reality, we are pitted against each other when we need to be listening to one another, and trying to find real solutions to the real problems we face.

So I would like for you to think about all of that for a bit.

Think about it as we cover some of today’s news.

Biden Added 1M Illegals To US, Including 12,000 Haitians

Biden and friends promised to deport the hordes of illegal Haitians that showed up on America’s doorstep.

I think we all knew that was a lie.

Well, the government went ahead and proved it.

According to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, an estimated 10,000 to 12,000 of the 17,400 illegal immigrants detained in Del Rio have been released into the U.S. as their cases are considered by immigration judges.

Washington Times

Another free lunch for illegals.

Illegals from a nation with the second-highest rate of AIDS in the entire world. Don’t worry though, the illegals have a court case to decide if they can stay, while they are already inside America.

Oh, and 9 in 10 illegals never show up for their court case.

Now all of this is from the Department of Homeland Security, the same government entity that said Domestic Terrorism is the greatest threat to our nation.

That’s right, the illegal immigrants are not the threat…

You are the threat Mr. and Mrs. Red, White, and Blue.

Apparently, Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas revealed this while Chris Wallace “grilled” Mayorkas on the issue.

Give me a break!

These people do not know what a grilling is!

These people are criminals, and if this was the Wild West, these lawbreakers would be hanging from a rope by now. The lawbreakers are the government.

Ohh, but it gets better.

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd says President Joe Biden has added nearly one million illegal aliens to the United States population since taking office in late January.


A million unmasked and unvaccinated illegals in just eight months?

For Heavens sake, this is an invasion, this is a hostile takeover of America by the radicals in power.

The right course of action is no illegal immigration.

Lord in Heaven, how can we allow in illegals which are lawbreakers?

If they broke the law to get in, they will break the law once they are in. They show a complete lack of regard for you and your family by violating your nations sovereign borders. Worse yet, your elected officials show contempt for you.

Biden Threatens Border Patrol Agents, “Those People Will Pay”

A report asked Biden, if he takes responsibility for the chaos at the border.

Biden responded,

Of course I take responsibility, I’m president. … To see people treated like they did, horses nearly running them over, people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay.

Biden is talking about the agents on horses who reportedly whipped illegals. It turns out, that was a fabricated lie. Border agents never whipped anyone.

Here’s the video.

The whole thing makes me sick.

Lawbreakers are literally being welcomed into our nation by lawbreakers in power.

If that were not enough, look at this.

Hungry And Desperate: Climate Change Fuels A Migration Crisis In Guatemala

Yes, that is a headline over at NBC.

The criminals are not just in government. The criminals are in media and corporate America.

The criminals prey on your heart so you look the other way and allow in more illegal immigrants. Looking at the photos on that article, you see women and children.

Yes, carefully selected photos to prey on your heart.

Look at this line from a Guatemalan.

“Whatever we grow in the field is not enough to feed ourselves,” Mendez said. “I want to go to the U.S., so I can feed my family.”

Why is NBC telling us this?

Why is NBC not asking the Guatemalan government about these problems?

It’s a Guatemalan government problem, not the American peoples problem. We have tons of our own homeless sleeping under bridges. We have tons on drugs, how about we help our own?

Yet, they are pawning off the story to you so you don’t mind if a few million more come through the gate. Notice, it’s a “twofer”, we get the justification of illegal immigration and climate change all in one piece!

But hey, don’t you worry, there is an answer to this problem…

Build A Wall

Chris Wallace, the Democrat, the same guy who “grilled” Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas said,

Yeah, I was going to say build a fence, build a wall, have some kind of a gate so they can’t walk across that dam over the Rio Grand into Del Rio.

Fox News

This is where I circle you back to the points I made at the beginning of this article.

Now we have a Democrat who works for a conservative media outlet tell us to build a wall to stop the illegals. We all know this was one of Trump’s projects, and I know, I know. The Democrats stopped him.

We are played like a fiddle.

Let me ask you a few questions…

  • Why are illegal immigrants coming to America in hordes?
  • Are illegals coming because we have no wall?
  • Is the lack of a border wall really why they are coming?


Illegal immigrants are coming to America as they know the American politicians will accept them. Illegal immigrants are coming as they know they will get free welfare, free healthcare, and be placed into an American city, by the American government.

That is why illegal immigrants are coming.

Is a border wall going to stop any of that?

Absolutely not.

Illegal immigration is a policy problem.

Yet, the American people are pitted against each other over the talking points of a border wall which does not matter. It does not matter, and it will never matter, until we replace the people in power.

Until Americans get America back.

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