Israel And Iran Are This Close To War

The Middle East is beyond a dumpster fire at this point…

The situation in Gaza is a catastrophe to put it lightly. Over 33,000 Palestinians have been killed now.

When is enough, enough?

Who knows…

What we do know, is the U.S. Government continues to send bullets and bombs to the Israelis to the tune of billions of dollars. That adds up to a lot of dead Palestinians. I wonder if the American tax payers will ever wake up and demand and end to the madness…

Probably not.

You know, I always ask myself…

Why on earth does the U.S. even support Israel?

You do realize, we give the Israelis about $4 billion dollars worth of governmental aid every single year…

Ahh, but this year has been a special year in gift giving to Israel. This years bullets and bombs are a bonus! All to kill more innocent people. The U.S. is pretty good at doing that, we’ve been at it in the greater Middle East for 20 plus years now.

Practice makes perfect!

In all seriousness, for all of our billions of dollars, what exactly do we get out of the deal?

Not a thing.

Israel has nothing to offer the United States, nothing.

The nation is smaller than New Jersey.

Go ahead, pick your jaw up off the floor and look it up if you don’t believe me.

Ohh, but I can hear um now…

“Brandon, Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, we need to protect it.”

Good grief.

Now you sound like Joe Biden.

Ahh, but this isn’t a rag on Israel session, this is “the world is going to hell in a hand basket session,” so pull up a chair…

Just days ago, Israel launched yet another attack in Syria. That’s a never ending saga in case you don’t follow the news. Israel always attacks their neighbors which provokes an attack against Israel that’s splattered all over the news to make you feel sorry for Israel, who started the fight to begin with.

But I digress, maybe…

So this Israel attack in Syria… Israel struck a building next to the Iranian Embassy. Israel just so happened to assassinate a few Iranian high end military leaders in the strike. It turns out, Iran is pretty miffed about the whole deal and they promised a retaliatory attack.

Now I have to tell you, over the years, Iran has been attacked so many times by Israel that I lost count. Iran always claims they’re going to retaliate, and they never do a thing.

It’s pretty obvious why…

Israel’s big brother just so happens to be the United States.

In fact, Biden just said U.S. support for Israel is “ironclad,” and he warned Iran against attacking Israel. This all comes after Biden publicly slammed Israel for their actions in Gaza. It’s hard to take those words seriously though when he sent billions more in arms to Israel.

I hope everyone realizes…

If the U.S. stops sending the bullets, Israel can’t shoot.

Shocker, I know.

By the way, right after the Israeli attack that killed the Iranian military leaders, the CIA said an attack from Iran against Israel was imminent. In fact, the CIA said within 48 hours there would be an attack. Well, it’s been well over a week and no attack.

Now here’s the part that cracks me up, it’s the fact that we’re all worried Israel might get attacked.

Look, if you walk up and punch some dude in the face. It really shouldn’t be a surprise if he punches you back. I mean, that’s just street sense 101. Israel murdered high level Iranian military leaders, so Israel and the U.S. shouldn’t be surprised if Iran returns the favor.

Ahh, but this whole saga just keeps getting better. Just the other day, Israel threatened to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites. Interestingly enough, it’s never been proven that Iran is even building nukes. The only data we have says, Iran still cannot even produce the fissile material required to make a nuclear weapon…

Much less the systems to create and launch a real missile toward the micro nation.

It’s all fear, hype, and doom to keep the evangelical types sucked into supporting Israel. Unfortunately, Christians have been conned into the notion that Israelis are God’s chosen people. For those folks, I highly encourage you to read this article…

Hey, we need to start reading Scripture and not allow others to do it for us.

I mean, that’s what most people do, right?

We go to church and listen to whatever the pastor tells us. The unfortunate part is, pastors to a very large degree have been indoctrinated themselves by their denomination and religious education.

I mean, come on folks, did you ever read that Peter, John, and Paul had training?

Get out of here already!

In reality, they were lowly men inspired by the Holy Spirit.

They never had any “official” training, it was all on the job.

My point to you, question everything you read. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard Christians say, God told the Jews, “bless them that bless thee,” (Genesis 12:3).

No, He didn’t.

God was talking to Abraham before there was ever such thing as an “Isaac,” “Jacob,” “12 Tribes of Israel” and most certainly before there was ever a “Jew.”

Yet, there will be some here reading that will still deny this fact.

It’s astounding!

Look, the world is going to keep on being crazy, but that doesn’t mean we need to play into it. God sent each and every one of us a Book called, the “Bible.”

Open it.

Read it.

Enlighten yourself.

You don’t need me, a pastor, or a book about the Bible to tell you what the Bible says, or to instruct you on how to serve God. I mention all this, as the support for Israel needs to come to an end. Hey, if Israel wants to pick a fight with their neighbors, then it’s high time they face the music, alone.

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