‘God Wants You To Be Vaccinated’, NY Gov Tells Christians

New York Governor Kathy Hochul just stooped lower than her predecessor. During a church service she told Christians, that ‘God wants them to be vaccinated’.

This is what Governor Hochul said,

“Yes, I know you’re vaccinated. They’re the smart ones, but you know, there are people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know this. You know who they are,” Hochul said.

I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it and say, ‘We owe this to each other. We love each other,'” she continued. “Jesus taught us to love one another. And how do you show that love, but to care about each other enough to say, ‘Please get vaccinated because I love you. I want you to live.’”

Washington Examiner

“Be my apostles”?

No one should be following this ladies lead, they should be following Jesus Christ.

Here’s the video.

Notice how dark and void of light that video was. Just like the message that came forward.

This lady makes me want to puke.

The level some will steep to in order to drive an agenda is astounding. Telling anyone God wants them to do something, besides following Christ is an abomination.

She has no clue what God wants YOU to do. She is simply taking the Word of God and distorting it to conform to the radical agenda taking place in our world.

Jesus Christ warned you about people like her.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matthew 7:15

Hochul is a lying deceiver.

The only thing God wants you to do, is follow Jesus Christ, and to live according to the Bible, (John 3:16, The Great Commandment). That is it. Never let some con artist use God’s name in vain to drive you into their web of lies.

This lady has a power trip that does not stop.

Check this out.

New York Governor Calls In National Guard To Staff Hospitals

Why did she need to do this?

Due to New York’s vaccine mandate.

If you did not get the vaccine, well then, you get fired.

Look at this.

About 84% of over 450,000 hospital workers in New York were fully vaccinated as of Wednesday, according to state data. Nursing home data, which was through Sunday, showed about 89% of nursing home workers fully vaccinated.


That means 16% of hospital workers are unvaccinated, which equates to 72,000 people!

So 72,000 healthcare workers just lost their job, all because they made the personal decision to refuse the vaccine.


So the government of New York has another manufactured and self inflicted crisis on their hands.

So let’s see how Governor Hochul plans to fix the issue.

She said,

I will be signing an executive order to give me the emergency powers necessary to address the shortages where they occur that will allow me to deploy the national guard who are medically trained. Deploy people who have been retired who may have a license lapse.

“May have a license lapse”?

You mean, they are no longer medically qualified, but you are going to put them to work anyway?

Aren’t patients being put in danger by these moves?

Who cares says, Governor Hochul.

Here’s the video.

Do you see how this works?

Our elected officials obtain office with a limited amount of power according to the law. However, once they are in office, they decide that’s not enough power.

So, they just whip up an executive order which gives them more power. Power according to their whims and desires.

This is absurd, and insanity.

This is what kings do, and we are okay with it?

So when this woman is not telling unvaccinated “people out there, who aren’t listening to God and what God wants”, she is granting herself more power.

More power to combat a crisis she and her predecessor created to begin with!

Don’t worry, Biden will save us!

Biden All But Admits He’s Never Letting The U.S. Return To A Pre-COVID Normal

Biden was asked,

How many Americans need to be vaccinated for us to get back to normal? What is the percentage of total vaccinations that have to be deployed?

Biden responded,

I think we get the vast majority, like is going on in some industries and some schools, 97, 98%. I think we’re awful close, but I’m not the scientist.

So basically, we are never going back to normal according to Bumbling Biden.

Everyday we see in the news that America has fallen from her former glory.

  • Only in America can tax-paying, law-abiding citizens be fired for refusing a vaccine.
  • Only in America, do welfare recipients not have to be vaccinated.
  • Only in America can illegal immigrants be let in, given free welfare, free health care, and not have to be vaccinated.
  • Only in America is Congress and the U.S. Postal Service exempt from vaccination.

Mind you, these vaccine requirements as through Joe Biden’s mandate. A mandate is not the law, I wonder when people will ever figure that out?

Praise God for these healthcare workers making a stand for what they feel is right.

Meanwhile, Denmark and Norway have removed all COVID-19 restrictions.

America the land of the free?

Not anymore.

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