Brandon, Do You Stand With Israel?

Name: Janice Brunson
Question: Are you for or against Israel? It seems you are hard on Israel. Yes I am a Christian, and I do not approve of where Israel is in their walk with the Lord, they are pretty hard on Christians.

I do believe they have a right to defend themselves. Innocent civilians on both sides are suffering. I hate that, but if we had been attacked would we the USA have done any different? Hamas does not care what happens to the innocent civilians.

I don’t believe Israel is against the Palestine civilians, they are fighting the terrorists, who cannot be trusted.

Answer: Janice, thanks so much for the email.

Once again, the world finds itself mired in conflict and disorder. Once again, Americans are being told to pick a side in yet another conflict. Just two years ago, we were told to pick a side in the Ukraine-Russia war, now it’s the Israel-Gaza war.

  • Why must we do that?
  • Why are their affairs, our affairs?
  • Why are we concerned about these affairs, but not those in South America and Africa?

We haven’t been told to be concerned about them.

No spotlight has been placed on those conflicts.

Nevertheless, shouldn’t we be concerned about our own nation?

We have major problems here at home.

  • Our nation is drowning in debt.
  • Our nation is suffering from political turmoil.
  • Our nation is being flooded with illegals, year after year.

So, should our nation take a backseat to the problems of other nations?

The answer is a firm, “No.”

In fact, in George Washington’s farewell address, he said,

The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign Nations is in extending our commercial relations to have with them as little political connection as possible.”

George Washington


Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real Patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favourite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause & confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.”

George Washington

Isn’t that amazing?

When we consider the world today, George Washington’s experience with international relations was limited. However, even in his limited experience, Washington learned to stay out of the affairs of other nations. As it only causes trouble at home.


While embracing one nation, you create an enemy with another.

Not to mention, you sow discord among your own nation’s countrymen over which nation should be supported. Meanwhile, your “Real Patriots,” those who resist the call to select a side are painted as an enemy themselves.

How we have witnessed this come to pass time and time again.

Now, Washington said international trade was fine, but he warned to steer clear of “political connection” and to,

“…steer clear of permanent Alliances, with any portion of the foreign world.”

George Washington

NATO, the UN, the WHO, the IMF, and the World Bank all come to mind.

George Washington warned, if you don’t steer clear of such alliances, and displays of favoritism toward other nations,

“…the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government.”

George Washington

As you read those quotes, don’t they just resonate within your heart that it’s true?

It should, these are Godly principles.

Deuteronomy 16:19 tells us, God does not respect one person over another. So neither should we respect one people or nation over another. Instead, we should follow the advice of 1 Thessalonians 4:11, which tells us, to mind our own business and tend to our own affairs.

Therefore, as I’ve said from the beginning, I do not stand with anyone, except:

  1. God.
  2. My family.
  3. The Constitution.

In that order.

The Tragedy Of War

Now, I completely agree with you, Israel has a right to defend itself. I’ve said that since the beginning. However, Israel is no longer defending itself. Instead, they are destroying an entire block of land, civilian infrastructure, and the people who reside there.

You mentioned,

“Hamas does not care what happens to the innocent civilians.”

Let’s be honest, does Israel?

Listen to Israeli Lt. Col Hecht.

Please, just listen.

He admits to bombing the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, filled with men, women, and children.

Lt. Col. Hecht said they targeted the refugee camp as their,

“…could be infrustructre there, there could be tunnels there.”

Could be?

He’s then asked,

“But you knew there are lots of refugees there, men, women and children.”

To which Lt. Col. Hecht responded.

“This is the tragedy of war.”

Let me show you the aftermath of this “tragedy.”

As the Palestinians sought to pick up their dead…

Hours later, Israel bombed the same refugee camp, again, and again.

International Condemnation

This has brought International condemnation. So much so, even President Biden is calling for a “pause” in the war, that’s why our Secretary of State Antony Blinken was just dispatched to Israel.

This atrocity caused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to bring up travesties from World War II, in an attempt to justify the actions of his nation. Netanyahu calls this war, “The Battle of Civilization,” and U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham said, there is ‘no limit’ to the number of civilian casualties to achieve victory.

Who’s victory?


Janice, we live in a very dark hour.

Tax Dollars Fund Death

Now again, this is their own affair, which means the United States should not be involved, and let me share something with you. If our nation was not involved, Israel would not have this response. That means, thousands of people would still be alive in Gaza.

However, our tax dollars are being used to spill innocent blood.

Just as our tax dollars have been used to spill blood in Ukraine, and now, Americans are getting tired of that war. So all that money, all that blood will be in vain. People’s fathers, brothers, and sons, and people’s mothers, sisters, and daughters have been blown to bits thanks to our tax dollars.

Our wars are not just.

Today’s U.S. foreign policy creates tomorrow’s problems.

Our nation is not better off for being involved in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Africa, and Ukraine. In fact, these have all costed our nation dearly, in lives and dollars, and American citizens like you and I have never benefitted from such conflicts, nor should we.

So who is?

Jews And Our Christian Faith

Janice, I want to touch on something you said.

“Yes I am a Christian, and I do not approve of where Israel is in their walk with the Lord, they are pretty hard on Christians.”

Jews, specifically, those of Judaism, those who study the Talmud do not walk with our Lord Jesus Christ at all. In fact, they hate Him dearly, more on that this Sunday.

So let’s level with each other here.

Most Christians support this war as they believe the Jews are God’s chosen people.


  • Can anyone show me in the Bible where it says that?
  • Where in the Bible does God say to go protect Jews who study the anti-Chritian Talmud?

No, they can’t, and Scripture doesn’t.

So where did this teaching come from?

Where did this untruth come from, and why does it ring in our ears so loudly, without Biblical evidence?

I’ll leave that for you to ponder.

However, I have shown you all, in the Bible, where it says Christians are God’s People. Those who accept Jesus Christ are God’s chosen people, and they come in the form of every color on the planet. God is not racist, and race has nothing to do with God’s promise to you.

My friends, you should always be able to prove your faith, as the Bereans proved theirs, (Acts 17:11).

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