Breaking News: U.S. Capitol Building Breached By Trump Supporters

This is why I have been waiting for January 6th. Trump supporters have breached the chambers of the U.S. Capitol. Senators have escaped via tunnels to avoid the conflict.

This is happening in the United States of America. The photo for this article is of a protestor in the House Chair. See the live stream videos below.

Are you awake?

Christians, brothers, and sisters, go to the Father in prayer. You are witnessing epic history. This is one of the setups we have been talking about for years and years. People are divided. Everyone from everyone.

Everyone is upset with their government on all sides, and the people are now revolting. This will all help usher in a new world order, not tomorrow, but this is a massive and unprecedented step for the destruction of our nation.

If people will revolt in the United States over President Trump, imagine what they will do when the Antichrist appears claiming to be God.


Please see our latest article concerning yesterday’s events and more. It is titled, 2021: The State Of Our Union.

Senate confirms Joe Biden as the next President of the United States. We will talk about the events of January 6th later today.



Pennsylvania has objected to the electoral college vote which went to Joe Biden. Two senators from Pennsylvania signed the objection. VP pence just halted the electoral process.

The Watch Live link below is good if you can stomach listening to the Senators. We will have much to say on this entire subject tomorrow in a new post. Including the conspiracy theories I am already hearing. It never ends.

From earlier today:

Unacceptable! There was nothing harmful in the President’s message. If they will ban him, they will ban you. Dark day my friends, but you know what? God is in control!

Some of the President’s Tweets are being removed. Then we have the rumor mill…

The chaos continues.

There is a curfew in place and the U.S. Capitol is now secure.

Breaking message from President Trump. Look what Twitter just tagged to the President’s Tweet.


More protests are taking place across the entire country. We just saw a report from Sacramento California.

In Georgia, it appears the Democrats have taken one of the Senate seats. There is anticipation they will win the second in what is being called a Blue Wave.

Breach Commentary

The summer of violence we have witnessed this year, the social distancing has all helped bring this moment about. We have lost our humanity now more than ever before, and our patience has been tried to the breaking point.

What we are witnessing is all a part of the plan. We are all upset with our government, and I certainly understand these peoples frustrations. The attempt to breach the chambers seems to be an attempt to stop the electoral count.

The time for talking is over however, talking to our senators and congressmen will not change anything. They did not listen before, and they will not listen now. That is why these protesters are pushing the limits, they feel their country slipping away.

However, it is tough to see any change occurring unless protests like this erupt across the entire nation. There is now the potential for a massive blowback on the American people. Again, unless this keeps up. We are in unprecedented territory and will have to watch.

Do notice, the protestors do not have weapons, however, one was shot. No one should have been shot. In fact, I saw the protestors erect a huge Cross showing their love for Jesus Christ, and they continue to chant USA, USA, USA.

Live Stream And Social Media

We have posted live streams of the breach below. This is what is going on right now.

Remember, when Trump said during one of the debates for his supporters to “standby”, that only helped enable this moment. He has been riling them up on social media.

So did this Tweet below.

YouTube removed this live stream. Surprise, surprise!

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