Readers, Walk Us A Day In Your Shoes!

Readers, we want to hear from you! Times are quickly becoming more uncertain and the mainstream media is clouding reality. So we need to hear from one another, in order to better understand what is happening out there.

What Is It Like In Your Area?

Everyone, please leave a comment below, include your state and country. That is critical so we understand what it is like and where.

We want to know what you are seeing and hearing concerning the illegal lockdowns, mandates, and political turmoil.

  1. Are you in a big town or small town (add state), conservative or liberal?
  2. What do you see and hear in your daily walk through life?
  3. What is it like in the workplace, busy, slow, etc?
  4. What is it like in your neighborhood, pro masks, political upset, and why?
  5. What is it like in the grocery store, full, low, empty, etc?

Our Story

I can tell you when we were in liberal Oregon, we went on a few hikes and people were actually wearing masks! Oddly enough, in some hiking groups, only some of the people wore masks. While other hikers had their masks down until they saw our family come by, then half of their group pulled up their masks.

Come on folks, think about it.

If my family was infected with COVID-19, we would have infected the person not wearing a mask who then would pass COVID on to the person who selectively chooses to wear their mask. People are just not thinking.

While camping up the entire West Coast, our children are out playing with other children. No adults are concerned about masks or distancing when it comes to children. Now in Oregon, there was some distance/hesitation between adults, which is pretty comical considering what I just explained about the kids. Not in Northern California though.

In Northern California, people are not wearing masks in the campgrounds, except for employees at times. We have been to stores all over the West Coast, stores have “Masks Required” signs, and we walk in anyway.

No one says a word.

Actually, a customer just said something to my wife for the first time. They said, “Where is your mask?” She replied, “I don’t need a mask, I’m healthy.” He rolled his eyes and kept walking.

My wife said aside from her, maybe four other people in the megastore were not wearing masks. About 50% of the people who were wearing masks had it pulled under their noses. So they are not scared of COVID, they are scared of harassment or arrest.

Speaking of the stores, we typically do “curb side pickup” if available to avoid store hassle. Saves time and frustration in this crazy world. When the wife went into the store though, she said supplies looked all normal.

Comment Below

Folks, I am spilling the beans here, so please spill yours too. The more who chime in, the more we will understand what it is really like out there.

So please leave a comment, and don’t forget your state and country.

Thank you!

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