Can We Really Trust The Science?

You remember that mantra?

“Trust the science.”

It was hailed during the pandemic as something we should place our hope and trust in.

If any thought or idea questioned the proposed science, well then, it was wrong, and those believing it were a fool. That is, if you listened to the mainstream. Fortunately, those ugly ol days have passed us by, and now, it’s become common to “question the science.”

In fact, a band of debunkers are busting bad science.

That’s right, there is such a thing as “bad science,” which means, we cannot “trust the science.”

When you place all your faith and trust in science, it means you’re placing your faith and trust in man.

Why on earth would anyone do that?

We can read science, we can enjoy and like science, but “trust” it?

Not so much.

You see, as with anything in life, there are good and bad people in the world. There are good and bad teachers, preachers, and yes, scientists. There are scientists who falsify data to formulate an argument that doesn’t even exist.

Why would they do this?

To gain notoriety, which elevates them in their careers.

Think it doesn’t happen?

It does.

Here’s a great example of a climate scientist massaging the data in order to have his work published in the prestigious science journal called, “Nature.” This scientist ensured the narrative of his study promoted the idea of man-made climate change.

He checked the box, and boom, he was published in Nature.

Fortunately for us, he wrote an article after the fact and explained how he massaged the data and presented the argument in a certain way, for the sole purpose of, getting published! He’s not really a bad guy, but he knows the system is gamed and he wanted to get his point across.

I think he was successful.

Oh, but there’s grievous sin in the scientific community my friends.

There’s fabrication, lies, and flat-out deceit.

Juicy huh?

We now enter the “band of debunkers” I mentioned earlier. This band consists of three chaps who run the science website, Data Colada, where they comb over scientific papers looking for fraud.

Fraud in science?

You betcha!

In fact, 5,500 faulty papers were retracted in 2022. Compare that with just 119 papers in 2002. This intel comes from Retraction Watch, another site that is dedicated to truthful science. Thankfully, more and more “debunkers” are stepping up to the plate to hopefully correct bad science.

Then again, this should remind you of “fact checkers,” but who’s fact-checking the fact-checkers? This is where peer-reviewed papers come into play, but not everything is peer-reviewed, so here we are.

Interestingly enough, what I’ve shared so far tells you, we have “misinformation” and “disinformation” in the scientific realm. So it’s everywhere, and people use certain scientific studies to suit their ideologies.

What else is new?

Not much.

What’s important to remember, science is a study of things. Study is not fact, study is observation. Science is not proof of anything, it’s not certain, and we definitely cannot trust it just because some big shot said we should.

I say this with regard to the climate change paranoia.

Back in the 1970s, they said we were entering another ice age.

That never happened.

Now they say, the planet is heating up.

Now they say, the planet is entering it’s sixth mass extinction.

For heaven’s sake!

We weren’t even around for the other five, but we’re causing this one?


Get this…

Just the other day, Apple released a climate change-inspired video that left me with many-o-cringe. One of the people in the video alongside Tim Cook said to “Mother Nature,”

“Our aim is to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere.”

3:43 mark

I thought,

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

That would kill all life.

We are carbon.

Plants are carbon.

Aren’t the aforementioned things evidence enough that you cannot place your absolute faith in the works of men?

I think so.

However, how about we hear it from one of the most respected and well-known scientists of all time…

This is what Albert Einstein once said,

The scientific theorist is not to be envied. For Nature, or more precisely experiment, is an inexorable and not very friendly judge of his work. It never says “Yes” to a theory. In the most favorable cases it says “Maybe,” and in the great majority of cases simply “No.” If an experiment agrees with a theory it means for the latter “Maybe,” and if it does not agree it means “No.” Probably every theory will someday experience its “No”—most theories, soon after conception.

This tells us, science is a work based on theories of the world around us, not necessarily facts. In fact, there’s no such thing as “scientific fact,” only scientific theory.

I found this quote some time ago in an article titled, “Scientific Proof Is A Myth.”

It was written by, a scientist.

So the next time someone tells you to “trust the science,” hopefully you’ll remember this article.

Hopefully, you’ll remember that science is a wonderful field. Yet, science is based on theories, science is based on faith, by observing our natural realm, and the universe around us.

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