I’m Putting The Brakes On The Climate Change Paranoia!

I don’t know about you, but every other headline I read is about global warming.

In fact, if you listen to the media, the world has pretty much been consumed by hell fire. There’s record heat here, there’s record heat there, and perhaps they’ll be even more record heat tomorrow.

The headlines are absolutely insane!

Doom, doom, and more doom.

Let me tell you something…

These headlines exist for one purpose, to drive fear into the global population.

If you live in fear, if you believe man-made global warming is a real issue, then that means someone can come up with a solution and sucker us all into it. That’s not a theory, that’s reality, that’s exactly what this is all about.

More on that in a moment…

But first, here’s some of the paranoia we are witnessing right now.

The Headlines Of Paranoia

These are some of the headlines that have caught my eye.

You don’t say, it’s called summer!

“May be the longest ever,” which means, it may not be the longest ever. Axios ran this headline with 18 days to go before it “may be the longest ever.”


Does that even make sense to you?

The purpose?

To spread fear and paranoia, not to mention clicks and ad revenue!

Last headline…

That article adds, if there was a blackout during a heat wave, “As many as 12,800 people could die, the equivalent of more than nine Hurricane Katrinas.”

Holy smokes, talk about doom!

Yes my friends, this is The Twilight Zone, a place and time where we live in a distorted state of reality. A manufactured reality that does not resemble actual reality in any shape or form.

With so much fear, it’s easy to get sucked into the madness, so I want to bring some reason to the discussion…

Don’t Forget The Record Cold Last Year!

How quickly these same media outlets and government officials forgot last winter.

Remember that?

We had record cold, and I mean cold!

In fact, my family and I were in Bristol, Tennessee just before a big storm. It ended up reaching -1 degree! Tennessee doesn’t get that cold, it was insane. None of the locals could believe it.

By the way, we didn’t plan on that!

It was so cold last winter, we all saw headlines like this.

Ahh, now you remember that bone chilling record breaking cold.

So, where were all the global warming alarmists then?

In hibernation.

In winter, they’re always in hibernation.

Then comes the summer, and they’re shocked that it’s hot.

It’s insanity!

Don’t step into their trap, arm yourself with truth.

God said there will always be seasonal shifts in temperature, (Genesis 8:22).

That’s not going to change.

Melting Glaciers

As I’ve pointed out in the past, we’ve even seen global warming on Mars and Neptune. Climate change has existed on earth since the beginning of creation. I pointed out some of that here.

Don’t forget, the glaciers have been melting for 12,000 years! Then we have those awesome rock layers which are evidence of massive climate change. All before God placed man on this place we call earth. So we had nothing to do with it, we cannot change it or even hope too.

Therefore, global warming has been a fact for eons of time.

Shocking, I know.

All right, now I want to take you on a trip down memory lane…

They Said What In The 70s?

Our highly esteemed politicians and scientists tell us the world is going to melt if we don’t “act now.” We’ve all heard the non-sense, we’ve all seen the massive amounts of money being poured into “Green Energy” that’s anything but.

Now, in the not too distant past, we had highly esteemed politicians and scientists telling us a new ice age was approaching. Yes, really, that was back in the 1970s, and I am going to prove that to you and/or refresh your memory.

Here are some of the outrageous and fear mongering headlines from the 1970s.

Click on a photo for the source.

So there you have it, back in the 1970s, all the experts said, we’re going to freeze due to man-made pollution. Today, the experts say, we’re all going to melt due to man-made pollution.

So it’s the same story as it was back then, except, this time they have it right.

Oh I’m quite sure, the wise men of yesteryear were positive they were correct, except they weren’t. The same we can say for the men of today. After all, the same people telling us about man-made climate change are the same people who just locked us down due to Covid!

You know, the virus with a 99.9% survival rate.

So are you really going to entertain these fruits and nuts?

I mean, these are the biggest doomers out there!

Ahh, but you’ve been informed and you know better.

You know to trust God instead of men.

So, what’s this all about?

Why is climate change being drilled into our minds?

It’s All About Global Government

The climate change agenda is directly tied to United Nations Agenda 2030. It’s tied to global government. You see, if there is a boogieman that is common to all nations and people. Then it’s a global problem that needs a global response.

In this case, the boogieman is climate change.

Just as prior, the boogieman was Covid.

Don’t forget who owns the mainstream media, some of the same people scaring you over the notion of man-made climate change. Yes, they have their hands firmly on the levers to convince you it’s a real problem that we can fix.

Now, if the globalists can get enough people to agree with them. If they can get enough people to agree that we created this problem, then that means we can solve the problem. It means the world can unify as one to fix the trouble. A fix that will permanently alter the world as we know it, and not in a good way.

In fact, recently, there was a major meeting about this very subject. It revolved around altering the global structure in order to address this climate emergency. It’s really creepy stuff.

I hope to discuss that more on Friday.

Simply stated, the climate change narrative is about unification. It’s about merging the world closer together. It’s about global government, and for Christians, that’s a big sign of the End Times.

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