Christians, It’s Time To Change Direction

Each and every day the mainstream media curates news just for little ol you. They, along with the government present a narrative for you to follow and debate. As long as you partake in that, they win.

It means, they control the conversation. They control the debate.

We must get away from that.

As Christians, we need to rally our churches and Christian communities behind Biblical ideals and start implementing them. We need to ensure our voice is not only heard, but that we take action by leading the charge.

If we don’t, we and our Christian faith are going to be relegated to the dust bins of history.

I was reminded of this today by one article in particular. A second article points to where our nations and faith are headed.

Let me show you what I am talking about.

NYC Mayor Fires Christian Education Advisor over Her Biblical Views on Gender, Sexuality

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has fired an education advisor from the city’s Panel for Education Policy after the New York Daily News reported on some of her past writings on gender and sexuality.

The Rev. Kathlyn Barrett-Layne, who leads Staten Island’s Reach Out and Touch Ministries, was initially one of nine appointees to NYC’s Panel for Education Policy (PEP), which replaced the Board of Education in 2002 and is part of overseeing the city’s public schools.

After Adams announced Barrett-Layne’s appointment to the PEP on March 22, the New York Daily News published an article highlighting past writings by Barrett-Layne on biblical sexuality. Within hours of Adams’ public announcement of the appointment, Barrett-Layne was reportedly asked to resign.

Christian Headlines

So there you have it.

If you read the entire article, in Barrett-Layne’s past writings, she ascribed sin as homosexuality, stealing, lying, and so on. Just as the Bible declares.

That’s why Barrett-Layne was fired.

She was fired for being a Christian.

So now, some radical left-wing anti-God soul will replace her on NYC’s Panel for Education Policy. Not only does that mean more children are going to be led in the ways of the world. It means, a major precedent was just set.

You can be fired for being a Christian.

Don’t give me that “it’s radical New York” business either.

This is how it starts.

10 to 20 years ago, we would have never thought of such a thing, but it just became a reality. We have seen other similar measures take place, but this is a major escalation.

We cannot keep Christianity in this nation by allowing our people to be removed from positions of power. If the only ones in power are anti-God zealots, then our nations will become anti-God and even repressive to Christians. As we just witnessed.

This is not just about Christianity.

This is about natural law and common sense values.

Look at this…

“Using Their Preferred Pronoun Seems A Small Ask”

That quote comes from an article over at Life Site News.

Back in January, conservative commentator Matt Walsh was on the Dr. Phill show. So the author of the article in question critiqued Walsh’s appearance on the show which dealt with transgenderism.

Here is a quote from that article.

The two non-binary guests seem to be likable people. One is a woman who believes she is a man and has long hair and a beard. The other is a man who has successfully blended the characteristics of both genders to create an appealing hybrid. They come across as well-meaning people who have suffered due to people misunderstanding their struggles. In that context, simply using their preferred pronoun seems a small ask.

Life Site News

No, no, no!!!

That is how it always goes down my friends.

Remember how I opened this article?

The government and media control the narrative, they control the debate, and this is another fine example.

The author of the Life Site News article explains how two transgender guests on Dr. Phil’s show seemed like “likable people”. Adding, they are “well-meaning people who have suffered due to people misunderstanding their struggles”.

I will question no one’s Christianity.

However, the author of said article is not a Christian warrior.

We do not need Christian excuse makers! I am sick of Christian excuse-makers.

We need Christian warriors.

God said homosexuality is an abomination. God said it’s worthy of death. God said keep this behavior out of your midst. If you want to be mad at someone for those statements, then you go be mad at God. They are His words.

All the author of that article is doing is making excuses to promote transgenderism. All it does is move us further down the road of sin and homosexual acceptance.

“Using their preferred pronoun seems a small ask”.

Years ago, the “small ask” was to allow homosexuals on television and not tell them their lifestyle is sinful. Today, it’s to completely accept them, along with transgenders, and the small ask is, “using their preferred pronoun”.

Where is the compromise for the Christian who was just fired for being a Christian?

My Lord in Heaven, how this reminds me of the days long ago.

God’s People Always Fail Him

Do you realize, when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, He told Moses they had to kill all the people in the land they would inherit, (Deuteronomy 7:1-6, 16, 20:16)?

God said, kill them all, let none of them remain in the land or they will become a “snare” upon you, (Exodus 23:33, 34:12).

Well, as usual, the Israelites didn’t listen to God. Instead, they lived among the people of the land. Ohh, the Israelites managed to charge them “tribute,” (Joshua 16:10, 17:12-13).

Yet, that’s not what God said to do.

So, as the Bible tells us. The Israelites became a horribly perverse people who God dashed in pieces and scattered the world over. They failed to follow Him, so He left them.

Today, we are allowing the same thing to occur. We have let sin into our camps, and our own people are saying we should accept it. ‘Let it dwell among us’. Just as they no doubt said long ago.

Hey, they seem like “likable people”.

  • We give an inch, the enemies of God take it.
  • We give them another inch, and they take a foot.
  • We make an excuse for them, so they take a yard the next time.

On and on it goes. If you want to read how this ends, just go read the Old Testament.

Excuse makers only appease the enemies of God.

The people who truly need help, need Christian values.

Do you know why?

This life is just a pit stop before Eternity.

Comforting someone by making excuses for their illness is not helping them. It’s not helping society or their opportunity to live with God for Eternity. People have been abused, people are broken. Yet, pandering to things God said is an abomination helps neither them nor you.

  • Will we ever wake up?
  • Will we ever make a stand for God?
  • Did you catch that subheading?

“God’s People Always Fail Him”

Do you really want to be one of those on Judgement Day?

Do you want to be one of the many who failed God, or do you want to be one of the few who always stood with Him?

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