Did Russia Just Threaten To Nuke The West?

Did you hear about it?

It’s all over the news…

Russia threatened to nuke the West.

Here’s one headline:

  • Russia threatens to nuke the US, UK, Germany, and Ukraine if Russia loses occupied territories…

Now, we’ve been hearing about these reports for two years. However, they always fall flat. They’re always propaganda. I mean come on, we’re still here, aren’t we? Washington D.C. hasn’t been relegated to an ash heap just yet.

So, is this time any different?

Actually, it is…

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev is the one who made the inflammatory remarks. He actually said what I’ve thought for some time now…

No, I don’t want to nuke the West.

My thoughts have been, if the West pushes Russia into a corner, in an effort to dissolve the state and the Russian people.

Well then, what does Russia have to lose?

Essentially, that’s what Medvedev’s point was.

As usual, the media spun this one for clicks and quotes. That’s dangerous, I mean, we’re talking about nuclear war. It’s not really something to exaggerate. Especially considering the mess the world finds itself in, again.

So you can find everything Medvedev said here.

Being the nice guy that I am, I translated it for you.

Yes, we’re going to read what the man actually said instead of rehashing some articles.

Medvedev begins…

Some time ago I wrote here in my TG channel: “A nuclear power cannot lose a war.” The snotty Anglo-American fosterlings immediately jumped out with heart-rending cries: “No, that’s not true at all, even the USA lost in wars.” This is an obvious lie. I wasn’t talking about Vietnam, Afghanistan or dozens of other places in which the Americans waged colonial wars of conquest. I wrote about historical Wars in which the defense of one’s Fatherland takes place. Your land, your people, your values. These are the kind of wars that nuclear powers have never lost to anyone.

So right out the gate, we see his focus is on the Russian homeland.

Medvedev continues…

OK. Let’s imagine for a moment that Russia lost, andUkraine with its allieswon. What would such a victory be like for our enemies – the neo-Nazis and their Western sponsors? Well, as has been said many times, a return to the borders of 1991. That is, the direct and irreversible collapse of present-day Russia, which, according to the Constitution, includes new territories. And then there was a violent civil war with the final disappearance of our country from the world map. Tens of millions of victims. The death of our future. The collapse of everything in the world.

Medvedev’s concern here is not about attacking the West.

Rather, it’s defensive in nature.

His point, if Russia is pushed to extinction, then the world has a problem on it’s hands.

Let’s read some more.

And now the main question: do these idiots really believe that the people of Russia will swallow such a division of their country? That we will all think something like this: “Well, alas, this happened. They won. Today’s Russia has disappeared. It’s a pity, of course, but we must continue to live in a collapsing, dying country, since a nuclear war is much more terrible for us than the death of our loved ones, our children, our Russia…”? And that the leadership of the state, headed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in this case will tremble in its hand to make the most difficult decisions?

He’s being sarcastic, right?

Medvedev’s saying, is it better for Russia to be pushed to destruction with tens of millions dead from the fall of their empire, or is it better for Russia to go out in a blaze of glory?

Yes, that’s my translation of a translation.

In reality, according to Medvedev, that’ll never happen.

Russia would rather go out with a bang.

Let’s keep reading…

So here it is. It will be completely different. The collapse of Russia will have much more dire consequences than the results of an ordinary, even the most protracted war. Because attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 will lead to only one thing. Towards a global war with Western countries using the entire strategic arsenal of our state. In Kyiv, Berlin, London, Washington. To all other beautiful historical places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad.

There you have it…

If the West attempts to push Russia back to its 1991 borders, then all bets are off. Unleash the nukes says Medvedev.

Will we have the courage to do this if the disappearance of a thousand-year-old country, our great Motherland, is at stake, and the sacrifices made by the people of Russia over the centuries will be in vain?

The answer is obvious.

So there it is, right from the horse’s mouth.

Now you can decide if he or the West is the lunatic.

Perhaps both!

I’m presenting this today to ensure we see through the lies and brainwashing that commonly play out in the media and within our own government. We should have both sides of the story, and then we can make up our own minds.

It’s important.

Our government is funding the wars in Ukraine and Israel. If they were not doing that, the wars would have been over before they ever started. By continuing to fund these wars, we are in fact, contributing to the masses of dead and maimed.

By continuing to fund the wars, we are setting the world up for a catastrophic event.

The fear and doom in the media say, “Putin plans to march on Europe.”

It’s horse business, to keep you in a state of fear which allows our government to fund Ukraine with more bombs. Hey, it’s their problem, not our problem. In case you haven’t noticed, millions of illegals are flooding over the border, we have a major culture clash in this nation, and millions are homeless.

We have more than enough trouble in our nation, without causing trouble in someone else’s.

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