Russia And China Are Building A New World Order

These days, everyone is talking about a new world order.

Just a week ago, U.S. President Joe Biden said, ‘America must lead the new world order’.

This week, it was Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who said the world is,

“Living through a very serious stage in the history of international relations”.

India Times

You can say that again Sergei.

In fact, the last two years have been an utter disaster. Yet, Sergei was talking about the current geo-political situation involving Russia on the world’s stage.

Now for your new world order sound bite.

At the end of this reshaping of global relations “We, together with you (China), and with our sympathisers will move towards a multipolar, just, democratic world order”, Lavrov said.

This was ahead of a meeting Sergei had with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

So we continue to see the world fracture into two distinct spheres of influence. The liberal world order of the West continues to claw for more power.

We see this in our own nations. In the United States and Europe, it’s deeply rooted within the fabric of our governments, corporations, and organizations.

Liberalism is stamping upon all of us.

Ahh, now don’t mistake what I just said. That does not mean “conservative” government officials are your pal. For more on that read, “Think Outside Of The Box”.

Moving on.

Just one month ago we said, “This Is A Battle For The New World Order”.

It certainly is.

Since that time, President Biden, and now Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov have both called for a new world order of sorts. Even if it’s their own version of it. The players are lining up and ensuring their spot at the table. Everyone wants a new world order. We have been saying this for years.

The only considerations to be made are, who gets what?

Considering the grand scheme of things, the whole Agenda 2030 plan is and will continue to go forward. All nations signed up to implement Agenda 2030s Sustainability Development Goals.

By the way, if we are honest with one another, the world does need to change.

Don’t look so shocked.

Agenda 2030 may not be the way to go, but there are some good things outlined in there. You may not live in poverty, but millions upon millions of other people certainly do. The unfortunate thing though, is while some of these goals are positive, you can guarantee…

They will not benefit you.

Instead, governments continue to draw up plans for digital currencies which will certainly remove more of your freedoms. Even The Hill is worried about Biden’s proposal for a U.S. digital currency.

So when you hear me say, something has to change and some of the goals of Agenda 2030 are good, understand where I am coming from. Also, go do some math on our recent article, “Have More People Been Killed By Abortion Or War?”

My family and I did some math, and if all those babies weren’t aborted, my oh my the world population would be something else. I’m not condoning it, God is against abortion.

I am simply saying, the world is at an unprecedented point in world history. We have technologically been brought together like a modern Tower of Babel. Our ability to provide food and infrastructure has caused the global population to explode.

Mankind will continue to work together to try and solve problems, but evil and wickedness will derail any real attempts.

We are going to merge into some new world order.

Will it be the one Biblically spoken of that ushers in the end of the Last Days?

If that’s where we truly and finally are, it will take many years to develop into that.

Thoughts On Our Changing World

I truly believe the days we are living through right now are going to define that for us. Everything we are seeing is certainly lining up for major global changes between now and 2030, and beyond.

A big key to understanding global order is what we wrote two years ago in, The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World. Nations are now realizing, that if you cross certain red lines, you can become the economic enemy of other world powers.

Iran has seen this, but not to the extent Russia has.

This will certainly lead to more global changes.

I might do a deeper dive on this subject in the future, we will see.

What I do want to add in here is, there is a lot of doomer news out there about global famine. I tell you what, each and every day since the dawn of time there has been a global famine. There hasn’t been a day since mankind was on earth that someone didn’t get enough to eat.

So sure, there will be more global famine due to the state of global affairs.

Here are some keynotes I want to share from oilprice.

  • “Russia is the world’s top exporter of fertilizer.”
  • “Ukraine and Russia together make up about a quarter to a third of the world’s wheat exports.”
  • “Ukraine is still a couple months away from their 2021-2022 wheat harvest and we’re not seeing any [of the] disruptions yet in terms of Ukrainian planting.”

So there you have the makeup to potentially cause some really big problems. However, Ukraine’s planting seasons is still going according to plan. Maybe it will change. I suppose my point is, be aware of what’s going on, prepare for it, but don’t pander to it.

Definitely don’t go blame it all on Russia. Otherwise, you fall into the narrative at hand.

Remember, the nations across the world printed trillions of their national currency to bail themselves out of the COVID-19 economic collapse. That free money has now caught up with us in the form of inflation. You cannot print your way to prosperity, you just delay the inevitable.

So tough times are here and coming, make no mistake about it.

Nevertheless, while the doomers tell you, you’re going to starve to death. They show their ignorance that there are worldwide food reserves. No one ever thinks about this stuff, as they only want to focus on the doom and gloom.

It really makes me question people’s intelligence.

Actually, I know why web publishers and personalities do it…

It brings in the visitors which brings in the fame and fortune!

Anytime you talk about doom as a web publisher, it brings enormous amounts of traffic. People gravitate to it. They want the doom, they love the doom. If you dare talk about Jesus, psh, we don’t have time for Him.

Instead, feed them the doom and they will come.

I see it everyday, even right here on World Events and the Bible.

So that’s a critical element of why so many talk about the doom and gloom. It makes money, it fills their coffers, at your expense of course.

Ahh, but I digress, or did I?

So yes, there’s going to be some bumps in the road.

In fact, there are already bumps, pot holes, and missing road to be found.

Have you seen the price of fuel, food, and housing?

CPI inflation in the United States is already at 7.9% and I expect it to keep on rising. Maybe to, dare I say it, double digits… Let’s hope not.

So there’s your doom and gloom in the news. Try to smile, it’s Friday, and the sun is out.

By the way, here are three reads I recommend today.

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