Congress Passed $2.3T, 5,593 Page COVID/Spending Bill No One Read

This thing is a disaster. Our government is a disaster. All of them as the President is expected to sign the 5,593 page bill that no one bothered to read. Even radical liberal AOC was against the rushed bill, how telling!

I remember years ago, they made fun of Nancy Pelosi for saying,

“We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it”.

Today, no one even cares, not even the President. Which begs the question, just who is writing these bills? Ahh, no one ever asked you to think about that one did they?

Combined Bill Equals $2.3T

Our elected snakes combined the $900B COVID-19 “relief bill” with a $1.4T government spending bill to get the crooked government through September of next year.

For the record, the Senate voted 92-6, while the House voted 359-53 to approve. So we only had 59 elected snakes who had common sense.

Here are some details, and a nice break down of the bill.

  • $600 for each American and child who makes under $75,000 a year. If you make over, too bad, too sad, says big brother.
  • $300 a week in continued unemployment benefits until mid-March.
  • $25 billion in rental assistance which will get Americans through… January 31st only.

I saw nothing about mortgage assistance, that is possibly tied into the “rental assistance” section. Even so, it’s one extra month, and then what?

The Bill Is Bogus

The fact of the matter is this entire 5,593 page bill that no one read is a big fat steaming pile!

Do you realize, millions upon millions of dollars are in this bill for foreign nations?

Foreign nations who never paid a dime in taxes. It is always like this, every single time they pass a spending bill. They all do it, the Republicans and the Democrats.

Let me ask you, would you rather take $600 bucks from the government, or would you rather go work? All this bill did was add even more debt to the record debt. All it did was make the dollars in your pocket worth even less.

The answer to this manufactured crisis is not more debt. It is not more handouts. Handouts don’t help, they only get you by for a short time.

What happened to the ol adage,

‘Give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime’.

Gone with the good ol days I suppose…

There Is No Way Out

Look, the government created this crisis to begin with, and there is no end in sight. The only way to fix the problem is to admit COVID-19 has been overblown and stop the lockdowns, mask wearing, etc.

However, that is not going to happen. This is all about control and controlling you. Those $600 checks, and $300 a week unemployment payments will keep a lot of foolish people happy for a while.

However, come the end of January, it would appear, people behind on rent will be evicted. If this begins for renters and mortgage holders behind on payments, economically speaking, things will become much worse.

It would seem if this does not happen, then landlords will begin to lose their properties as they all cannot afford to lose this valuable income month after month.

This is what I foresee for 2021, a shift to finance where that becomes a major issue. Probably not well recognized until around mid-year. My crystal ball is a little cloudy, I have more to add, but at another time.

We all know many people are hurting financially. What the government just did was only continue the problem. These mediocre checks are not really going to help anyone. It just keeps things afloat a little longer.

Speaking of keeping things afloat.

Do you realize the Federal Reserve is still buying bonds to prop up the market?

Every month they are buying $80B in Treasury Bonds and $40B in mortgage bonds because no one else will.

The ship is already sinking my friends, it has been for a while now. We are simply not aware, as no one has alerted us to the pending crisis…

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