Conservatism For The Win!

It’s no secret, our nation, and the world for that matter are circling the drain.

You don’t want to know how I wanted to frame that sentence, but my wife just didn’t approve.

Yet, every so often we get a flash of something, dare I say, positive. Hey, you have to keep your eyes on that sort of thing, or you’re going to go insane and drown in the doom and gloom.

So positive we go…

According to a new Gallup poll, in America, conservatives topped the libs 40% – 26%.

Here’s the scoop.

“When asked to describe their political views overall, without reference to social or economic issues, 40% say they have conservative views, 31% moderate and 26% liberal.”

Now, during the previous 8 years, people were just as likely to say they were conservative as they were liberal on political issues. Yet, the tide is beginning to shift.

Anyone want to guess why?

“The shift is mostly due to increasing social conservatism among Republicans, at a time when social issues such as transgender rights, abortion and other hot-button concerns are prominent in the national public debate.”


That’s right, we’re seeing a big shift due to social issues.

“More Americans this year (38%) say they are very conservative or conservative on social issues than said so in 2022 (33%) and 2021 (30%). At the same time, the percentage saying their social views are very liberal or liberal has dipped to 29% from 34% in each of the past two years, while the portion identifying as moderate (31%) remains near a third.”

  • 38% of Americans are conservative on social issues.
  • 29% of Americans are liberal on social issues.

As we can see, the tide is beginning to shift to the right.

I mentioned this would happen a few years ago. There has to be some resistance, as the push to radicalize America has come far too fast. Our nation is not rooted in perversion and sin, which the radical left supports.

So with such in-your-face policies, moderates and center lefties will be peeled away.

That’s exactly what we are seeing.

How about a graph?

As we can see, Americans have been conservative on social issues for at least two decades. This is as much as Gallup reported. It’s only more recent that society has become more liberal. You’ll notice around 2015, Americans leaned left and right equally on social issues.

That was just prior to the Supreme Court ruling in favor of homosexual marriage. That truly kicked off a major escalation in our nation, where we began to embrace a very unnatural lifestyle, by calling it normal, and something that we should accept.

Regardless of our belief in God, homosexuality is something that should never be accepted or promoted in society. It’s unnatural, and it leads to a national decline in the population, which in turn is a national disaster, economically speaking.

I could go on and on, but the American President still doesn’t get it, and he continues to push for radicalization, while calling anyone who opposes his agenda a… wait for it, radical.

As a God-fearing American, your duty is to always remain loyal to God. You do that by living according to the Bible and supporting people, companies, and organizations that are in line with Scripture.

We do not support companies that support perversion, that’s like wishing evil God speed, don’t do it. Otherwise, you are actually partaking in the sin itself, (2 John 1:10-11). That’s bad mojo, and you don’t want to have anything to do with that.

All right, so we have the latest poll in the dueling battle between the left and right. Now, I want to share a story with you that’s tied to this subject.

A Short Story

We were at the dentist’s office the other day…

No, this isn’t the beginning of a bad joke, but a story about an experience we had there. The wife was in the back getting worked on. I had just stepped outside of the room where she was.

You know, I rather limit my exposure to those ol X-rays. Don’t worry, she was safe behind that lead-lined suite!

So there I am, staring at a dental poster from 1942. It was all about basic oral hygiene. Captivating, I know. As I’m looking through it, there was a caveman on it, chewing on a bone no less, and I thought, “Good grief! This lady’s an atheist, ahh well.”

As I look away, there I see a nativity scene and I thought, “There’s hope!” The dentist and I ended up having a short conversation. Turns out she’s a God-fearing woman and a social conservative. Ohh, that part didn’t pop out right away, but it eventually came through in a subtle manner.

So there I am back with the wife…

Somehow, some social issues came up, and the dental assistant explained what they were teaching in the schools. She explained, her two kids will come home and tell her all about it. I didn’t know if this gal was a lib or not, then she left no doubt…

She said, the kids told me about this book they’re reading from. It’s about a little boy, but when he looks in the mirror he sees a girl.

We sighed and she shook her head.

Ladies and gents, we just found another conservative in a college town.

She went on to say how she tried looking into private schools, but they were $300 a kid per month, and she just cannot afford it. She has to work to take care of the family. You could see the disappointment in her face and feel it in her voice.

So she said she tells the kids about the good Lord, and tells them what is right and wrong. She explained,

‘I send them off to school, they get covered in sin, and I wash it away when they get home.’

Terrible, isn’t it?

This is the world we live in, a world where good well-meaning parents are forced to send their kids off to the public indoctrination system. This is why conservatives are rebelling, and this is why more are joining our ranks.

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