White House Holds Largest Pride Celebration And ESG Influence

You’re not going to believe it.

Well, yes you will. It’s 2023 after all.

The nuts and loons who run our government just threw the largest pride celebration in White House history. They hoisted the flamboyant homosexual flag interlaced with stripes of racism. Why they even brought out abominable balloons to celebrate the occasion.

So there you have everyone’s favorite President, Joseph R. Biden up on stage, and he tells the homosexual faithful…

yes, even more “courage” than our military men and woman I might add.

Ohh, but Joey wasn’t done slapping down and disrespecting everything that America once stood for. He actually had the audacity to say,

“As I said — I mean this; I swear to God — you’re some of the most — you’re some of the bravest and most inspiring people I’ve ever known. And I’ve known a lot of good folks.”

White House

You know, the good Book says you’re not supposed to judge a man to hell. Don’t worry, I won’t, but how in the world can Biden swear to God, and support the abomination known as homosexuality?

P.S. Remember when Joe said marriage was between a man and a woman, and he didn’t support gay marriage? Can you say, “Manchurian candidate.”

You do know homosexuality is a sin, right?

I sure hope your daily dose of this website has washed the confusion of the world away. I mean, it’s getting thick out there my friends!

And Joe and his handlers just kept pouring it on…

And on some more…

I don’t have to tell you, the President of the United States is the most influential individual representing our government, and this is how he paints America to the world?

It’s a travesty.

You realize, that’s what this is all about…

Using influence to condition peoples mind to sin.

Telling them,

  • “Homosexuality is okay, if it feels good, do it.”
  • “You belong, you’re brave for embracing sin.”

All the while, Joe Biden is a supposed Catholic. Hey, I know some Catholics, and homosexuality is not a-okay, got it?

This is just another clear sign that our nation is being flushed down the toilet. A little pride celebration here, more abomination there, more weapons for Ukraine, just another day at the White House.

So we have influence being spread about in order to change society, in order to change morality. Joe’s wife, Jill Biden took a stab herself saying,

“We know that this year’s Pride is caught between the push and pull of progress. Outside the gates of this house are those who want to drag our country backwards.”

White House

More divisiveness.

That’s all we get today from our politicians. In fact, I’ve never seen the two sides more divided in my lifetime. If you are paying close attention, they’ll tell you how each side is wrong and how they are right, but they never mention God.

Wait a second, I take that back.

This is how Jill closed her speech…

“God bless you all. And may God protect our troops.”

I’m telling you, all of these people are nuts with a capital “N!”

Why on earth would someone expect God to bless perversion and sin?

I mean, that’s who was in attendance at this pride event. It was a big show of support for sin event, that’s what it was, and you want God to bless it?

I think everyone has forgotten what God did to the homosexuals in Sodom, and what He said He would do again…

2 Peter 2:6
And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;

That’s right, that’s what God said.

So, are you going to listen to the goons in government, or your Heavenly Father?

I don’t know, that ones on you.

So let’s jump back to what I said about influence earlier. Everyone is trying to influence you. Everyone is telling you what to believe and why you should believe it. That aspect has always been in the world, but nothing like what we see today.

This is what I’m talking about.

Fink: Behaviors Are Going To Have To Change

Listen for about at least 1 minute so you have the context of the discussion.

Did you catch that?

Blackrock CEO Larry Fink said,

“Behaviors are going to have to change … You have to force behaviors.”

He’s specifically talking about ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) goals. He’s talking about having a specific number of women, various races, and genders of people not just within a company, but at the top of the company, at the executive level.

He went on to say, ‘if you don’t recruit and meet those ESG numbers,’

“If you don’t achieve these levels of impact, your compensation will be impacted.”

What’s that mean?

It means, for those in hiring and management positions, within companies like BlackRock, if you don’t meet your ESG goals, it’s going to hit your paycheck in a negative way.

So not only do we have influence in our world, which is radically altering it. But now, we have forced compliance.

Let me put this into a real world scenario for you.

Let’s say you’re a hiring manager or some other manager, and you need to promote someone. You’re being influenced and pressured to hire the homosexual, no matter how horrible their interview went, otherwise, you’re going to take home less money.

No one goes to work to take home less money, so most people will hire the homosexual, hire the transgender, or hire the person that is not a white male.

In our new world, the best candidate for the job does not matter. Repeat after me, performance does not matter, only race, and gender matter.

That’s it.

That’s the confusion of today’s world.

I have news for everyone, this little experiment is going to crash and burn. Whether God puts the kibosh to it Himself, or whether it plays out.

You know why?

  • Performance does matter.
  • Intelligence does matter.
  • Innovation does matter.

The fact that someone is homosexual, transgender, or black has nothing to do with their mind and their ability to perform or innovate.

So Joe Biden and the corporate elite can continue to spread this abominable influence, but it’s to the detriment of our nation, our corporations, our way of life, and our standing with God.

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