The Conspiracy Of Reparations

Disclaimer: If you’re easily offended and hate sarcasm, don’t read this article.

It’s pretty clear, our culture is on the road to destruction.

Some might say it’s lost, our southern border sure looks that way. There are tens of thousands running and swimming across. Especially since May 11th is approaching, that’s when Title 42 ends which is a travesty in of itself. It’s not like we need Title 42 to enforce our own borders.

That’s how far we’ve fallen off the wagon. In reality, we just need to enforce our existing border laws, but nope. So add that to our cultural destruction.

The other part is the delusion that a man can be a woman and vice versa. In fact, this whole homosexual agenda is a travesty for society. It’s wrecked everything, including our children. It spreads even where people don’t want it to spread.

Ahh, but those cultural issues are not today’s topic, are they?

No, no, no…

Today’s topic concerns reparations!

I’m not talking about the government apologizing and giving you money for the COVID lockdowns that stole wealth and years from your life. Nor am I talking about the record inflation that we’re living with.

Heck no!

Those are serious issues that would unify the citizenry.

Instead, I’m talking about divisionary subjects…

I’m talking about “racial equality.”

You know, making laws to ensure all races are treated equally.

Now this may come as a surprise to you, but America is so racist, we elected a semi-black dude to the White House.

I know it’s crazy, those white racists. They’re always making it seem like we’re all equal, when we’re really not! That’s why the guy was only part black you see. Those sneaky whites had to ensure whitey was still in the White House.

Then those whites have the audacity to make us think blacks own businesses! They brainwash us to believe blacks are leaders, judges, police, doctors, you name it. Why it’s a grand conspiracy I’s tells ya.

All right, enough with the jokes, let’s get serious for a moment.

Inequality abounds so much, that California just wrapped up a two-year investigation concerning reparations. Get this, the panel concluded that reparations should be given to blacks, and the payday could be as high as $1.2 million each.

That’s right!

If you’re black, have lived in California since birth, and your great, great, great, great grandpa was a slave, you just might be in if Governor Newsom and friends step up to the plate.

That’s no joke.

However, those in attendance mocked the mere pittance of $1.2 million for each black. Instead, wizards like Reverend Tony Pierce stood up and spoke for the people saying,

“You know that the numbers should be equivocal to what an acre was back then. We were given 40, OK? We were given 40 acres.

You know what that number is. So, the equivocal number from the 1860s for 40 acres to today is $200 million for each and every African-American.”

Daily Mail

That’s right, in California if you want to be fair and just, then you need to cough up $200 million for each black to be fair. To make up for white injustice. Damn those whites.

Now you can call me a lunatic if you want to, but I think this Reverend better step down from the pulpit. He certainly shouldn’t be teaching any math classes. There’s no way on God’s green earth that 40 acres translates into $200 million dollars.

But I’m white, and he’s black, so what do I know?

It’s probably my inner racist speaking.

Now for everyone else out there, did you ever think you’d see the day when reparations were actually discussed and considered?

I never did.

The last time I checked, it was the year 2023.

Anyone can accomplish anything they want in life, but they have to get off their rear end and do some work, not make excuses. They can’t blame someone else for their problems.

But that requires…


Ironically enough, this is what I read in Proverbs last night.

  • The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing. – Pro 20:4
  • The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour. – Pro 21:25
  • Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger. – Pro 19:15


I’m no Biblical scholar, but that seems to read, lazy folk won’t have anything, but they’ll still complain about it. In fact, it even seems to mean, they’ll blame their troubles on someone else. They’ll have an excuse for why they have nothing in harvest or why they’re hungry.

Then again, God might be a white racist too.

I must admit, I’ve never considered that one before.

Besides, the Bible’s just a dusty ol Book that no one reads anymore anyway.

Don’t ask me how I know…

So as I considered this whole reparations bit this morning. I was blessed to have found another wizard. Yes, Reverend Tony Pierce is not alone, there are many other wizards in this world to divide.

I mean to bring the people together, to ensure whites pay reparations. To ensure whitey pays his fair share.

So who am I talking about?

Why none other than the distinguished Denver City Council person Candi CdeBaca.

This is what she had to say on the subject.

@candiforcouncil #denver #denvercolorado🏔 #reparations ♬ original sound – Candi For Council

Here’s some of the wisdom that came from this wizard.

“Instead of collecting taxes from black and brown businesses that are struggling, you could be collecting those extra taxes from white-led businesses all over the city and redistributing them to black and brown owned businesses.

Welfare wages don’t work well. We need to go far beyond welfare wages and go to prosperous wages. Because we don’t want to just survive anymore, and reparations all should not be survival, it should be preparing the harm which is this entire economy.”

So apparently, in California and Colorado, whites have been holding blacks down. It’s an apparent travesty that even I was not aware of, but a travesty that exists no less.

You know, now that I think about it, perhaps there’s another conspiracy here…

  • What if she’s actually a white in disguise?
  • What if she secretly identifies as a white person?
  • What if this is another sneaky white trick?

I mean think about what she, or perhaps he is insinuating here…

They/them are saying, that blacks and browns are not capable business owners, and they need a handout from white business owners. It’s saying, that blacks and browns are inferior to whites.

Now seriously, what self-respecting black or brown person would ever insinuate such a thing?! It’s insulting to one’s own race. Therefore, I say Candi CdeBaca is a white in disguise, a white who is making these statements to demean black and brown people.

By cracky, I figured it out!

Those tricky white devils are at it again!

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