Is The World Destroying Christianity Or Are We Destroying Ourselves?

The walls are beginning to close in on Christians.

The world has been gunning for Christianity since its birth. Yet, there were many good times, and Christianity spread throughout the world, helping the world. Helping people in need.

That’s what the Bible does for people, it helps them, and provides hope in a hopeless world.

That brings me to John Dunn.

A 55-year-old street preacher from Britain who served in the British Army’s Special Forces.

Dunn recalls,

“Before I became a Christian, I hated people, I served with the Special Forces and I made it my mission to learn how to best kill people, that was my job. But when I met Jesus Christ, he changed my heart, took away my hatred and filled it with love. Jesus was the answer for me, and I believe the world needs to know and experience this hope.”

Christian Concern

Mr. Dunn’s conversion is just one example of countless millions. Jesus changed Dunn, and he became a street preacher in an attempt to help others. Unfortunately, Mr. Dunn recently ran into trouble for sharing the Gospel on the street.

As Dunn was preaching, two women walked by holding hands.

That prompted Dunn to say,

“I hope you are sisters.”

The women responded by saying they were in a same-sex marriage.

Dunn replies,

“It says in the Bible that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God”

The two women took offense, and reported the street preacher to the authorities. This brought on an entire court case by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), ie: the state. The CPS said Mr. Dunn was guilty of “hate speech” since he “offended” and “upset” members of the public.

Can you believe this?

It gets worse.

Shockingly enough, the CPS said,

“There are references in the bible which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public.”

Thankfully, the two women failed to “engage the case,” and it was thrown out.

However, do you see where we are?

We have arrived at a point in history where the nation of Britain considers ‘references in the Bible to no longer be appropriate.’ We are talking about Britain, whose Queen was supposed to be the “protector of the faith!”

How Did We Get Here?

So how did we arrive at this point in history?

To a large degree, we did this to ourselves. We became lax as Christians and parents. With each generation, we changed a little bit more, we conformed to society a little bit more. Once we went that route, we set off a ticking time bomb for the end of our faith and ideals.

Today, we see it happening all over the once, Christian world.

To make matters worse, we often fight and bicker with each other. We tear down and destroy relationships over minor disagreements, when we should be working together to bring Jesus into more hearts. Then we allow lies and sin into our congregations which only tears them apart.

In essence, we begin to help Satan in his quest to destroy God’s People.

We should have no part in that.

That reminds me of the church, and I want to share a few things with you.

A Follow Up

A few days ago, I wrote an article explaining how another 249 churches left the United Methodist denomination. I reached out to the United Methodist organization to seek comment as to why these churches left.

A Reverend responded by saying,

“The reasons churches or their members vote to leave The UMC can be various.”

Essentially, churches can leave the denomination for any reason. However, in the article I wrote, the Methodist churches are breaking away from the denomination due to homosexuality being accepted within the Methodist organization, even though it’s against their own rules.

Since I wrote in with my Texas address, the Revered assumed I was a Methodist, which I am not. He explained how the Bishop over the Texas conference has never supported homosexuality, and neither have past Bishops.

However, that doesn’t excuse the fact that it’s happening within the organization as a whole.

The Reverend then provided his opinion on why the churches are leaving,

“So it seems to me… They have to do largely with the actions of others in the Western Jurisdiction and in some parts (not all) of the Northeastern Jurisdiction, plus Iowa in the North Central Jurisdiction.

The argument seems to be “look what they’re doing—that could happen here!” Except, well, not easily—and in fact, never in the past to this point. But the concern about what “others” are doing seems to be enough to exacerbate any tension congregations may have felt being part of The UMC anyway and help lead them to a decision to disaffiliate—even if what others in other places are doing has no real bearing on what has ever happened, or is anytime soon likely to happen, in your own conference.

The Reverend understands, the moral rot of the liberal city centers are destroying the church. Yet, we assist that destruction by not standing for God’s Law. The Reverend went on to say, there’s no punishment for violating the rules.

Then what good are rules?

I respected the man’s two email responses to me, but I just cannot look past that portion in bold. Essentially, the Reverend thinks there is no reason for concern, since homosexuality is not accepted in the Texas conference.

However, when you tithe to your church, your funds go to the top and trickle down. So in essence, even if your Methodist conference does not allow homosexuality within its ranks, your money is going to churches that do.

So not only is society rotting around us, but we are rotting within the church. We are allowing decay by not calling out sin and lies.

Honesty Within Churches

My friends, when we associate ourselves with a church organization, we expect them to be upright and honest with their congregation. If we wanted to hear lies and fables, we would go talk to the world, but we want truth and enlightenment, so we go to the house of God.

Above all, God’s rules should always apply.

As odd as it may seem, that’s not always the case.

Unfortunately, church leaders are willing to break the sacred covenant of trust and truth with their congregants, those who trust their leaders the most. When this trust breaks down within the ranks of Christianity, we don’t have much left to hold onto.

To a large degree, the fall of Christianity is by our own doing.

When we allow lies to creep into our church, or when our church leaders fabricate them, or they do not stand against sin, we become no better than the wicked world we preach against.

How I was reminded of this yesterday. On our forum, one of the few rules we have is to leave church names off the forum. There is a very good reason for that. When a specific church name came up, I had to call it out this time for being a church that teaches false doctrine.

I was asked why I felt that way.

So I explained, though I never thought I would publically have to reveal these details.

No doubt, some Christians will be crushed to learn what I have shared. Imagine how I felt discovering each bit over time. It’s not something to be taken lightly. No excuses should ever be made for church leaders who lie to their flock and lead them astray.

How many lies have Christians of said church repeated over the years?

  • How many Christians repeated the lies and false doctrines that were shared by a Pastor they placed their faith and trust in?
  • How many Christians did their own preaching on these topics, unknowingly taking part in the lie and spreading it?

These Christians did so under the direction of a Pastor they placed their faith and trust in. The sacred covenant of trust with a Pastor was broken. Similar things have happened at countless churches across our nation and the world.

It is these sorts of things that lead to unbelief.

If we cannot trust our Pastors to tell us the truth, who will?

Christianity is now at a very fragile point in world history. We live at a time when nations say certain Scriptures are “no longer appropriate in modern society.” We live at a time when the church is corrupt, it lies, it cheats, and it steals.

People go to church a time or two a week, but their lives are never really changed.

Why is that?

The modern church cannot be what God intended, if it were, it would provide more blessings in people’s lives. It would change more people’s lives for the better, it would change society for the better.

Yet, I talk to people from all walks of life who attend church, and they explain, people’s lives are not changed for the better. The modern church is not working. The modern church is failing.

We need more Christians like you and me to start doing the heavy lifting.

We need more Christians to always stand for Godly principles and never waver.

Without change within the Christian ranks, the flock will continue to thin, until, there is no flock at all.

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