Our Country Is In Disarray, But Not All Is Lost

Our nation and our world is in complete disarray, isn’t it?

We have a lot to cover, let’s just jump right on in feet first.

“Follow-Home” Crimes In Los Angeles

Have you heard about follow-home crimes in liberal Los Angeles?

These crimes are so common, they have coined the name “follow-home”. The thugs follow you home, then overtake you, and steal your money, watch, car, whatever.

Sometimes, the thugs will even do it in broad daylight.

Here’s an example.

You don’t hear about these sort of crimes in Red States.

Do you know why?

They prosecute criminals, and more citizens are packing firearms thanks to new laws. Hey, you’re not so quick to rob your neighbor, if you know he might blow you away.


Sure, but it drew the point, didn’t it?

Crime is so bad in California, USPS stopped delivering to an area in Santa Monica.

Sacramento Thug Gets Paid By The State

Just a couple weeks ago in liberal California, another “mass shooting” took place.

The mass shooting that police say was a gun battle between rival gangs that left six dead and 12 wounded earlier this month shook the downtown core of California’s capital — and created another challenge for a city trying to redefine itself as a destination for more than just government workers.

SF Gate

Ironically enough, for some of my teenage years, we lived in crime-ridden Oak Park, in Sacramento. “Mass shootings” happened all the time. Everyone called them “drive-bys” back then. Almost every night we heard caps get peeled back.

We heard pistols, and shotguns, and saw police tackle the bad guys in our front yard.

Yup, “mass shootings” have been going on since the dawn of gang bangers. The only difference is the mainstream media changed the name of a crime. These are crimes committed by thugs who never had their rear end handed to them as a child.

Ahh, but I digress.

As it turns out, one of the gang bangers involved in said shooting got a pay day from the state!

One of the Sacramento mass shooting suspects reached a more than $7,000 settlement with the county just weeks before the shooting.

Fox News

So one of the thugs was paid by Sacramento County just before the “mass shooting”.

The reason?

The county’s decision to settle was purely economic, as the trial date was approaching and it was likely the trial would be pushed out for many months given the court calendar backup due to COVID. A decision was made to put an end to the case, as the costs going forward would multiply,” a county spokesperson said of Smiley Martin’s settlement, according to CBS Sacramento.

That’s right!

In liberal California, you just reward bad behavior. That’ll fix the problem, every time

Until it doesn’t.

This brings me to the latest crime…

The Prophet Of Doom!

No, this isn’t about the Bible.

That was the YouTube handle of Frank James, the vermin who is now famous for the New York City subway shooting. James released two smoke grenades, pulled out an ax, and then…

Took out a 9mm semiautomatic Glock and fired 33 rounds at commuters, hitting 10 victims and leaving at least 19 others wounded. Those hurt included two teens ages 15 and 19, a pregnant woman who was shot in the leg, seven men and three women, law-enforcement sources said.

New York Post

He injured 29 people, but thankfully didn’t kill a soul.

YouTube decided to take down his YouTube channel as it “violated their guidelines”. That was only an important detail now that this nutter committed a heinous act of crime.

Prior to this, James was free to spread his hate.

As it turns out, Frank James aka The Prophet of Doom is a “black nationalist” and a part of the black Israelite movement. You know, another group who knows they are Israelites, another group who knows they are “God’s chosen people”. People are insane and this proves it.

Here’s one of my favorite quotes from James,

O black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys


Yes, yes, yes!

Kill those white devils.

Man ‘o man. People like this are a cancer to society, but ol Joey Biden thinks us country boys and parents are the Domestic Terrorists. His Department of Homeland security is on the look out for you, but not people like James.

That’s the radical liberal ideology for you.

The same ideology they call, “the liberal world order”. You can keep your liberal order.

Police Shooting In Michigan

Unfortunately, we have another shooting, in another liberal state, a… white cop shot a black perp. Protests have already erupted in Michigan. The police department released an entire video of the event, you can catch it here.

Three points here…

  • Why has society become so accustomed to running from police?
  • Why didn’t the officer choke him out when he had the chance?
  • Where was the backup?

The struggle was really low level. I don’t know what sort of training and protocols liberal Michigan has, but the cop had an opportunity to choke out the perp. That would have disabled the man without killing him.

Law enforcement in the audience, I would love to hear your thoughts on all of this.

Red State Crime

One thing is certain, crime has skyrocketed and made national news in blue states. Meanwhile, the red state of South Carolina passed a law that not only enables the death penalty, but by electric chair or… firing squad.

In case you are wondering, God is all for the death penalty.

By the way, the bad guy gets to pick.

Nice touch I’d say…

So how’s crime in South Carolina fairing in the national news you ask?

They have a man on the loose who keeps pieing people with whipped cream.

Here’s the suspect…

Ahh, crime in South Carolina is so…. sweet!

Lockdowns To Vaccinate

Here’s a tidbit from someone we don’t talk about anymore. Dr. Fauci said,

You use lockdowns to get people vaccinated”.


Yeah, we kinda figured there buddy. It’s always been about controlling the population.

Deadly Avian Flu Sends Egg Prices Soaring

Inflation caused by money printing isn’t the only thing driving up prices.

A deadly and highly infectious avian flu is forcing US farmers to kill millions of egg-laying hens, reducing the country’s egg supply and driving up prices.


Apparently, some chickens escaped the great culling and dropped a bomb on Biden. Some are saying it was corn, who cares. 🐓

Make good times out of the bad one’s folks.

More Weapons For Ukraine

Speaking of Biden, he is sending another $800 million dollars we don’t have to Ukraine. It will be in the form of more weapons of war. To kill more. More open war with Russia.

How many billions is it now?

I actually lost track and I’m not checking.

Do you know why?

We have a more important number…

The Feds Steal Mo Money!

The Federal Government set a new record for collected taxes which reached $2,121,987,000,000! That’s right, not only is the government great at extracting wealth from your pocket through taxation…

BUT, they have also done it through inflation which is now at 8.5% YOY.

Double tax!

Look at this inflation chart.

You see February there at 7.9%?

That was when Russia went into Ukraine. So all of this inflation, is not “Putin’s price hikes”. That’s a dirty lie from a lying liberal called Joe Biden.

This inflation has been caused by both Trump and Biden. Those are the boys who ensured trillions of dollars were printed up to save us from the COVID catastrophe that they caused!

Ahh, don’t get me going, I’m having fun this morning.

Iran’s Gonna Get The BOMB!

If you listen to the brutal Israeli government, they are telling you…


Israel has been saying that since 1979, Iran has always been thisclose to a nuclear bomb. Ahh, but the dumb goy just might believe it.

Red States

All right, now how about some more news from Red States?

Last week we told you, Good Things Are Happening In Red States.

Here is some more good news from Red States…

So there you have it.

The Great Divide in America is becoming larger.

Meanwhile, we have some who endorse transgender promotin, lockdown lovin, gun takin, CRT pushin radical liberals like Dr. Oz to run for office. Shameful!

Americans are sick and tired of that trash. Thanks to Ron DeSantis for making a stand and putting the spotlight on Disney, 70% of Americans no longer want to do business with Disney.


Internal executive-level Disney videos leaked that show them not only promoting, but expanding homosexuality in their programming. So Americans, stand up and stand up some more! You have great company.

You can see the rot of the liberal trash holes compared to Red States.

The Red States aren’t perfect, but they are certainly making a RIGHT turn.

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