Good Things Are Happening In Red States

The news cycle is continually negative.

This dampens our mood and leaves us feeling down. It removes our hope that something good will arise in this world. Yet, good things are happening every day, especially in red states.

I want to share some of that with you today.

So, let’s take a look.

Texas Governor Orders Illegals Bused to D.C.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced orders Wednesday for state officials to charter buses to transport migrants to Washington, D.C. in response to the Biden Administration’s plans to end the Title 42 coronavirus protection protocol and begin large-scale mass releases.


Abbott didn’t just announce an order.

You have to watch the video. It’s absolutely fantastic. Governor Abbott explains what they are going to do, then pauses, opens a folder, and signs the order right on the spot.

Abbott then goes on to explain additional actions Texas is taking, he pauses, opens a folder, and signs the order right on the spot.

Love it!

Busing illegal immigrants back to Washington D.C. is also what Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was talking about doing. Let them deal with the problem.

However, I think we all realize this is not the real solution. The real solution would be for the Federal Government to stop providing welfare, healthcare, and education programs for illegal immigrants. If you cut off the perks to come here, most will never come in the first place.

You also enforce border control, but again, if you stop providing the benefits, they won’t come and many will deport themselves. All one needs to do is sign a piece of paper to make such changes.

What else do we have this fine morning?

Oklahoma Lawmakers Vote To Ban Abortion, Imprison Doctors

Oklahoma state lawmakers voted to criminalize abortion Tuesday, approving a measure that would make performing the procedure a felony punishable by up to 10 years behind bars. The measure would make an exception only if an abortion was performed to save the mother, lawmakers said.

NY Post

The Governor is expected to sign the bill.

The bill would render anyone “guilty of a felony and subject to a maximum fine of $100,000, a maximum term of imprisonment of 10 years, or both,” if they perform an abortion. The only way an abortion can be performed, is if the mother’s life is in danger.

There are several other states pushing similar laws.

It’s expected that the U.S. Supreme Court is going to make a ruling on Roe v Wade that will overturn it. This would remove the Federal Government from the conversation. That should have always been the case. States Rights.

These type of laws are going to make red states redder, and blue states bluer.

To the Christian, abortion is murder, abortion is a sin. We do not condone sin. Making excuses for abortions has only led to dehumanizing our culture. Just take a look around. Nothing has ever become better due to the policies that have brought us to this point in history.

It’s time for change.

It’s time to start doing things God’s way!

Arizona Governor Signs Bills Banning Transgender Surgeries For Minors, Males In Girls’ Sports

“Today I signed S.B. 1138 and S.B. 1165, legislation to protect participation and fairness for female athletes, and to ensure that individuals undergoing irreversible gender reassignment surgery are of adult age.”

Office of the Governor

SB 1138 bans irreversible sex change procedures for those under 18.

SB 1165 requires any school or college that competes against public schools to assign participation in sports based on the sex of the individual. Female sports can only have female participants, and so on.

Don’t forget, just a week ago, Arizona also signed legislation that bans abortion after 15 weeks.

In fact, according to Guttmacher, there are 26 states who may implement abortion laws if Roe v Wade is overturned.

Ohio Introduces Bill About Parental Rights In Education

This is similar to Florida’s law that was just signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis. The Ohio legislation, “prevents teachers from engaging in instruction related to sexual orientation or gender identity,” (The Hill).

This is exactly what should happen in every God fearing state.

There are two sexes, male and female. No one has the right to brainwash your child into discussing “gender orientation”. There is no such thing. You are a male or you are a female.

End of story.

Anything else is confusion, and confusion comes from the Devil himself.


None of this means things will suddenly become perfect. However, what they do tell us is there is opposition to wickedness. You want to be a part of that opposition. You want to stand up for, and support those who are putting their necks on the line for what is right and true.

You never ever want to roll over due to wickedness reigning supreme. You never want to roll over due to new world order talk. Instead, that’s when you polish up your spiritual armor and you go make a stand for something.

Christians don’t give up, we never stop fighting for what is right. Somewhere along the way, some people taught us to lay down and let the enemy win. Only losers condone that sort of behavior. God said to fight the enemy, and He will be with you every step of the way, (Deut 1:30, 20:4, 2 Cor 10:4).


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