COVID-19: Global Death Toll This Year Has Already Surpassed 2020’s Count

According to “the data”,

Globally, approximately 1.8 million people were killed by the virus in 2020. So far this year, more than 1.9 million people have already lost their lives to the deadly disease as of June 20. 

Fox News

Globally, COVID has killed more people this year, than all of last year. All despite the vaccine being spread around the world. In the United States, COVID cases had been disappearing in mass. Long before the vaccine and at a time when red states were opening up.

The whole narrative is a bunch of hogwash!

Now, the mainstream media is continually pushing the notion that COVID-19 came from a lab in China. We reported on that in the beginning. Back then, that was disinformation talk that got you banned, but for now, it fits the narrative so it’s okay.

In the end, it makes little sense as the COVID-19 numbers were manipulated to no end. We are simply watching a way for governments and the media to sidetrack our minds by blaming the crisis they caused on someone else.

Now I thought this was interesting

“Now, this brings up an important question: As long as you have virus replicating anywhere in the world, the chances of developing variants are considerable, which will ultimately come back and could perhaps negatively impact our own response. That’s one of the real prevailing arguments for why we need to make sure the whole world gets vaccinated – not just the people in the developed world,” he added. 

Let’s comeback to earth folks.

Naturally, this would be the case for every other virus on earth, including Ebola. So all we have is a bunch of adults out there causing more fear and panic and feeding narratives. Media hype keeps you in a constant state of fear which makes you easier to manage.

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