U.S. Takes Down Iranian News Sites, Citing Disinformation

That’s all governments or social media hubs have to say these days… Thou hast spreadeth disinformation, therefore, thy are banned!

That was the case for Iran the other day when the United States shut down several Iranian news websites citing the spread of disinformation.

American authorities seized a range of Iran’s state-linked news website domains they accused of spreading disinformation, the U.S. Justice Department said Tuesday, a move that appeared to be a far-reaching crackdown on Iranian media amid heightened tensions between the two countries.

The Justice Department said 33 of the seized websites were used by the Iranian Islamic Radio and Television Union, which was singled out by the U.S. government last October for what officials described as efforts to spread disinformation and sow discord among American voters ahead of the 2020 presidential election.


As I was writing this article, I decided to see if PressTV was still online… Nope. Go ahead, click on the link to see the pretty U.S. seized image. If you ever see that visiting World Events and the Bible, you will know the jig is up!

So the Biden Administration has launched an information war against Iran in addition to the economic war the Trump Administration launched against them.

By the way, since when did the United States care about election integrity?

Here’s another clip from the Reuters article.

Relations between Iran and the U.S. have deteriorated for years following President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from Tehran’s nuclear deal and the return of devastating sanctions on the country. That decision has seen Iran, over time, gradually abandon every limit on uranium enrichment. The country is now enriching uranium to 60%, its highest level ever, though still short of weapons-grade levels.

That in bold is what the mainstream media keeps harping on lately. Iran’s level of uranium enrichment has gone way up, posing that it means they are close to a nuclear bomb.

In related news…

Iran: ‘Sabotage Attack’ On Civilian Nuclear Center Thwarted

Iranian authorities have thwarted what they called a “sabotage attack” targeting a civilian nuclear facility near the country’s capital, state TV reported Wednesday, as details about the incident remained scarce.

The attempted attack against a building belonging to Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization “left no casualties or damages and was unable to disrupt the Iranian nuclear program,” Iranian state television reported, adding that authorities were working to identify the perpetrators.


I wonder who could have been the perp behind this one?

Who would want to sabotage an Iranian civilian nuclear facility near the country’s capital?

Israel, the United States?…

Whoops, I better be careful. I wouldn’t want to spread thoughts of “disinformation”.

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