COVID Deaths Continue To Decline

The mainstream media is at it again. Sensing that people have become numb to COVID news, the mainstream media is cranking up the fear machine once again!

Well, I have news for you folks!

COVID deaths continue to decline. Jump over to the World Health Organization’s COVID dashboard and have a look for yourself.

Then check out the CDCs COVID Data Tracker.

According to that data tracker, in the last 7 days, for every 100,000 people, 0.2 people died from COVID. I also want you to understand that number it attached to the big COVID death count you see all over the television. That number today is 225,000 people who have died from COVID.

Or so they say…

You have remember, when we dive into that number, we discover the CDC has lumped together all COVID related deaths. It does not matter if someone died because of an infected leg or a heart attack. If they had COVID, then it’s a COVID death says the CDC.

Just weeks ago, the CDC reported only 9,863 Americans died from COVID alone. Meaning, COVID was the only illness the patient had.

What a stark difference from 225,000 right?!

That is why we have to dive into the numbers folks, and why we have so often on this site. At this point, I am sick of talking about it, and you are sick of reading about it.

Nevertheless, from time to time we have to talk about it. The mainstream media and our own government are trying to work everyone up again with more COVID doom. I see the stock market is down nearly 900 as of this writing.

What a disaster.

When people start scaring you, ask yourself why.

  • Why am I being scared?
  • What is the agenda and motive?

Always ask questions.

That is what wise people do, and God’s People are wise.

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