COVID Passports Begin On United Airlines

Remember back in June we talked about Immunity Passports? Well here is another “immunity passport” that is being tested by United Airlines passengers flying out of Heathrow.

The big sell of the so-called COVID Passport would allow passengers to fly without the risk of being quarantined. This is all done through a phone app called, “CommonPass”.

The phone software is a digital health pass which can hold a certified COVID-19 test status or show someone has been vaccinated in future in a way designed to satisfy various governments’ different regulations.

Daily Mail

So there you have it.

They want to leverage your device in order to verify that you had a negative COVID-19 test by using their app. I hope you noticed it also said the app could be used to verify your vaccination status. I am sure you remember Bill Gates telling us back in April, ‘Digital Certificates Are Coming To Prove Your Vaccination Record’.

Well here they come.

Who Is Behind “CommonPass”

Hopefully, you are wondering who is behind the latest app we are discussing. As it turns out, the “CommonPass” app,

Has been launched by non-profit trust Commons Project Foundation, part of the World Economic Forum, in the hope of it will end the days of flyers producing bits of paper, often in different languages.

Daily Mail

The World Economic Forum is behind “CommonPass”.

The same global group that brought us “The Great Reset”. You remember that one. It is all about using the (manufactured) COVID crisis to bring about global government.

Government Acceptance

“CommonPass” is reliant on governments around the world accepting COVID-19 test results from ‘certified’ laboratories in other countries.

Dr. Bradley Perkins, chief medical officer of The Commons Project said,

Without the ability to trust COVID-19 tests – and eventually vaccine records – across international borders, many countries will feel compelled to retain full travel bans and mandatory quarantines for as long as the pandemic persists.

So the goal is for governments across the globe to recognize this new “global standard” in COVID-19 testing and accept the results. In reality folks, this is only the beginning, and as the good doctor said, it will be used to track vaccine records as well.

This means your personal medical information will be spread throughout the globe. “CommonPass” should also remind you of ID2020.

The Agenda

In the end, this is not about your health and making things easier for you.

This is about exerting more control over you. We know the CDC, WHO, and scientific journals have concluded face masks are not helpful and may be harmful. Yet, the use of face masks are still illegally enforced.

We also know the survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.98%. So in reality, the lockdowns should disappear along with things like “CommonPass”. However, we know that is not going to happen.

When we step back and analyze the facts, we come to realize we are living through a planned event.

One that was outlined back in 2011 which covers every detail we have witnessed. That plan is covered in Rockefeller ‘Future Scenario’ Becomes Reality Of Coronavirus Pandemic.

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