California COVID Dining ‘Tips’: ‘Keep Your Mask On In Between Bites’ And A Story

Can you believe this? These are the people some of us elect to office. ‘Now wittow kiddies, make sure to keep your wittow maskie on between your bitties.’ Come on people, are we babies? Yes, this is real news. Remember, it’s 2020.

Here’s the Tweet from the “Office of the Governor of California”.

The sad part folks, this is all about control and conditioning the public to accept and do what the government tells them to do. Many people do it simply to comply. They have no backbone, they are afraid of a little confrontation.

Hey, you don’t have to be a troublemaker, but geez people, at least try and make a stand. If I have to wear a mask at a restaurant, then I am not going to eat there, period. It’s stupid and I am not going to play along with foolishness for the sake of a meal. Masks do nothing to protect you, playing along just keeps the lie alive.

My Own Dining Experience

Recently, we walked out of a restaurant just as fast as we walked in. The gentlemen who was going to seat us said,

“Do you have your mask today?”

I said, “No, we don’t do that.”

He then proceeded to tell me they sold masks there if I wanted to buy one. I tell you what folks, it took everything in my power not to say something smart.

I just asked, “How can we eat if we have to wear a mask?”

He said, “Well, you can take off your mask at your table, it’s just for walking to your table or using the restroom.”

That was about the silliest thing I had ever heard. So I smiled with a slight laugh and said, “I guess we are not eating here then. Have a nice day and left.”

That was last month, and it was the first time I had ever encountered any of this nonsense. I know, many of you have been dealing with it for months. I am late to the show.

Stand Your Ground

All I can say is, folks, start standing your ground if you are not already. I think the situation we all face provides a great opportunity at refining our Christianity.

All throughout the Bible we have examples of prophets standing in the face of tyranny for God and common sense.

Remember, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?

They all stood against the government. They did not encourage bad government, they stood against it. So there is a great example to be had there.

By the way, just because a county or city has mask restrictions in place does not make them a law, and it certainly does not mean you have to abide by those pretend laws.

I can hear some of the people now, ‘but Brandon, wearing a mask makes it easier’. Of course, always caving makes life easier. So what. Who said life was always about being convenient and doing what was easy, much less what everyone else is doing?

Everyone else is walking the broad path, do you want to do that too? No, you want to walk the narrow path, it is harder, but well worth the journey.

Be The Change

Folks, in the last month, we have been in all sorts of stores without a mask, and we have been the only ones to do so. There are mask restrictions in place here, it’s extremely liberal. So what. Be the change people, be the one to stand.

Look, if we are a little too scared to take off the mask to go into a store, how on earth will we ever stand for God during the Tribulation?

If you think the persecution over a mask is bad, wait until the Tribulation begins.

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