COVID Passports Discriminate Against Brown People

Yes, we are going to have some fun this morning. As you probably know, Georgia passed a new voting law. Many are calling it “racist” since it requires, wait for it, an identification card. You know, a state-issued driver’s license or other state identification that legal citizens already possess.

Apparently, requiring identification to vote is now a racist thing to do. It’s such a racist and appalling thought, Major League Baseball canceled the All-Star game in Georgia this year. Coca-Cola and Delta Air Lines have also criticized the new “racist” law.

In reality, the law is not racist. It makes you wonder if the MLB, Coca-Cola, and Delta even read the bill. Or did they just listen to Dirty Slip And Trip Biden?

America of all shapes, colors, and sizes…

Did you ever think you would see the day when it would be considered racist to ask for an ID card to cast your vote?

In light of this shocking revelation

It dawned on the wife and I this weekend. If requiring voters to have an identification card is considered discriminating against brown people. Then a COVID passport is certainly discriminatory. I mean, if Americans have to get some card to prove their vaccination record…

What about the brown people who do not want the vaccine?

With COVID passports, they will be discriminated against due to their color for not getting a vaccine. People, this is a travesty! I am going to ask my brown friends how they feel about this. Brown readers, what about you? We love people of all shapes, colors, and sizes, but apparently the government doesn’t.

Maybe we should “cancel” the government!

Quick, someone call Colin “con-man” Kaepernick.

In the end, I think Charles Barkley (a black man) said it best,

Man, I think most white people and black people are great people. I really believe that in my heart. But I think our system is set up where our politicians, whether they are Republicans or Democrats, are designed to make us not like each other so they can keep their grasp of money and power. They divide and conquer.

I truly believe in my heart most white people and black people are awesome people. But we’re so stupid, following our politicians, whether they are Republicans or Democrats.

And their only job is ‘Hey, let’s make these people not like each other. We don’t live in their neighborhoods, we’ve all got money. Let’s make the whites and blacks not like each other, let’s make rich people and poor people not like each other, let’s scramble the middle class.’ I truly believe that in my heart.

One question…

Who shared World Events and the Bible with Charles Barkley?

Tell him we said, Hi!

He is spot on the money folks. All this racism talk, all this cancel culture stuff is non-sense, and do not ever expect us to conform to this agenda. But we will certainly point out the hypocrisy of it.

Be blessed!

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