COVID Vaccine: Participants Warn Of Intense Symptoms After Second Shot

A different vaccine, the same story. Vaccine trial participants have reported intense symptoms after the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

CNBC explains,

One Pfizer trial participant told CNBC that after the second shot, he woke up with chills, shaking so hard he cracked a tooth. “It hurt to even just lay in my bed sheet,” he said. 

Both Pfizer and Moderna who have produced a COVID-19 vaccine have said their vaccines could result in side effects similar to mild COVID-19 symptoms.

I find that ironic since it was the CDC who said,

Most people have mild COVID-19 illness and can recover at home without medical care.

Original link, CDC changed it, statement now here.

Nevertheless, another vaccine trial patient explained after the second dose,

“After the injection, I had the same side effects as the first: localized pain and stiffness, but it was a little bit worse. My arm got sore faster, and by the time I got home, I started feeling fatigued and like anyone would feel if they were coming down with the flu.”

More significant symptoms presented that evening. “I developed a low-grade fever and had chills,” he said. “That evening was rough.”


So… Put yourself through all of that, just in case you get COVID, which for most people is a “mild illness” and you “can recover at home without medical care”.

Got it.

Meanwhile, the CDC will collect lots of data on you, and don’t forget, you will receive a new and not so shiny Department of Defense COVID vaccine certificate! The only way it gets better than that, is if New York makes the vaccine mandatory.

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