Crushing U.S. Sanctions Imposed On 18 Iranian Banks

If you thought Iran was out of the picture, you might want to think again. The United States has imposed new sanctions on 18 Iranian banks. This was made possible by an executive order signed by President Donald Trump.

This executive order allows the U.S. “to take aim at any and all institutions within Iran’s already crippled financial sector.”

“Our sanctions programs will continue until Iran stops its support of terrorist activities and ends its nuclear programs,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement. “Today’s actions will continue to allow for humanitarian transactions to support the Iranian people.”


Note, the “humanitarian transactions” line. That comes right from the George Soros “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine. The United States has been following that for a number of years now. I encourage you to read some of our past comments on this, (see: U.S. To Take ‘Firm, Appropriate Measures’ Against Syria Violations, War Of Words: ‘Military Option’ On The Table For Venezuela Says Trump).

The Goal Is To Shut Down Iran’s Economy

The sanctions that have already been imposed against Iran have been devastating financially. That of course is the goal, to bankrupt the nation.

Here is another highlight from the NBC article.

The Washington Post first reported on the U.S. plan, which aims to shut Iran out of the global financial sector.

It does not become anymore bold or obvious. The goal of financial sanctions against Iran is to destroy its economy. To shut Iran out of the global financial system. This is all about Iranian regime-change and eventually bringing Iran into the new world order.

Make no mistake about it, this is an act of war by the United States against Iran.

Think about it. If your neighbor blocked your driveway and kept you from going to work, he has just prevented you from acquiring income to provide for your family. While he may not have physically attacked you, he has attacked you and your family nonetheless.

Iran is being pushed into a corner. This has gone on for years, but we can see with each passing day, the push to destroy Iran becomes greater and greater.

This all ties into the Bible, you want to pay close attention. For those who have not read it already, I encourage you to read, “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat.”

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