Would Jesus Approve Of Today’s Church?

It’s an interesting thought…

In my opinion, the church of today has become a gigantic mess. We have thousands of different Christian denominations that place us on separate Christian teams.

Are Christians really supposed to be on different teams?

No, we are supposed to be one body in Christ, not many bodies in Christ, (Romans 12:5).

That’s how we all treat denominations, like teams. We’ve all heard the conversations…

‘So and so is on team fill_in_the_blank, and they believe this, chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.’

Denominations also ensure we never stop arguing and bickering with each other.

Why would we?

We’re on different teams.

Now that’s before we get down to each individual church. For some time now, many churches have focused on music bands, performances and other religious fluff to draw crowds. Instead of using those methods, we’re supposed to be sharing the Word of God in a real meaningful way.

I know, you’re still thinking about what I said about “religious fluff”. Hey, when you walk into a church and the Pastor is talking like a holy Joe, that’s fluff.

Come on, you know what I’m talking about. When the Pastor starts using an unnatural voice inflection as he speaks to the congregation. When he speaks much differently than if he was talking to someone outside of church or even in a one on one conversation.

Some will even close their eyes as they speak, and lift their hands on high. It’s all designed to charge emotion, disguised as the Spirit.

That’s fake.

I hate fake.

I despise fake.

  • Would Jesus approve of any of those things?
  • Did Jesus do any of those things?

No way.

I never once read a verse where Jesus and the Disciples put on a rock show for the people.

Nope, not once.

Instead, you had Jesus and the Disciples traveling to different towns to spread God’s Word. You had them traveling to help poor people in need. They were right there on the ground floor helping people with medical aliments, and so on.

That’s what real church is all about.

Helping family, friends, and those in need. Not to mention, learning about God, together.

Now you’re not going to believe this next part…

Jesus also displayed anger and contempt!

Check this out…

One day, Jesus rolled into Jerusalem and He went up to the temple where people were disrespecting the House of God. They were selling oxen, sheep, and doves right there in God’s House, (John 2:14)!

Jesus flipped His wig!

John 2:15
And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;

Jesus literally gave it to them.

He didn’t act suddenly or irrationally. He made a scourge, that took some time. Then He walked right back into the temple and beat those congregating there for trade. He even overthrew the table of the money changers, bankers, whatever you want to call them.

The next thing Jesus said was,

Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.

John 2:16

Jesus was ticked as they used the House of God to sell merchandise.

They misused the church!

In my opinion, when we put on big shows and concerts, and call it church, that’s abusing the church as well. When we use fake voice inflections to display our holiness, that’s abusing the church. That’s putting on a form of Godliness, but it’s not really being Godly.

It reminds me of,

John 12:43
For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

Hey, if the shoe fits…

Instead, I imagine the early church consisted of people gathering together: eating, drinking, strugglingly, and debating what the Scriptures mean. I envision people helping each other, and coping together with the struggles of the time.

It’s quite certain, there has always been disagreement within the church. There always will be disagreement as we all have different life experiences which can make some Scriptures mean one thing to you, but something else to another.

When you boil it all down, as Christians, we need to become less religious and more focused on God. That may confuse some, but religion is truly an invention of man.

  • Religion tells you to speak and act a certain way around Christians.
  • Religion tells the priest to dress like a king.
  • Religion tells you to act churchy and play easter rabbit.

The fact that we are not being more Christ like is a big reason why the church continues to fall away. There is too much religion and tradition in the church, and many of today are simply not buying it.

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