Birth Pains And America’s Transformation

The transformation of America continues. We did not get here overnight, we did not get here due to Democrat or Republican politics alone. We arrived at this moment in history by letting God slip through the cracks.

We allowed politics and the words of men to sweet talk us into sidestepping God’s Laws. We were told it was for equality and unity. This has gone on for a very, very long time. This is not going to be a history lesson, just a simple reminder. We did not get here overnight.

Many of you are probably wondering…

  • What is happening to the world?
  • Why are things changing for the worse so rapidly?

In order to answer that, we have to bring God’s Word into it, only He has these answers.

Birth Pains And Current Events

After providing some of the signs of the Last Days, Jesus said,

All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Matthew 24:8

Sorrows” means,

pang or throe, especially of childbirth: – pain, sorrow, travail.

Within that statement, we are given a lot of information about the Last Days. Jesus was telling us, the Last Days would transpire like birth pains which would usher in His Return.

When my children were born, I paid very close attention to the process with this verse in mind. I watched as my wife went through those labor pains Jesus was telling us about.

They call these contractions of course.

Before we move on, think about pregnancy in general. Day by day the womb grows with the child inside, and it slowly becomes noticeable over time.

I want you to think about the events of the Last Days. They have been just like that. Generations ago, small changes took hold of our world, but they were accepted even though our grandparents did not like them. As time went on, the changes became bigger and bigger, just as the child grows in the womb…

Now we can talk about contractions.

The woman comes to a point, when it’s time to deliver the child, and the water breaks. That is an instant and sudden escalation of events. Again, think about world events in that regard. One major and sudden event that comes to my mind is 9/11. Just a simple observation.

As the contractions begin, everyone in the room knows what is about to occur, a child is going to be born. Likewise, as we witness the events of the Last Days, we know Jesus Return is nearing, but how close…

No one knows, not even the doctor knows the instant the child will be born. As the birth pains, as the contractions continue, they become more painful and closer and closer together they become.

For example, contractions may begin 15 minutes a part, and over time, the gap between contractions decreases… Until, the contractions are right on top of each other, and then…

Instantly, the child is born.

You really want to think about all of that as we watch world events unfold. The escalation in events I see today are just like my wife’s contractions. Not only are evil events continuing to unfold, but they are becoming more rapid, intense, and they are occurring closer and closer together.

I am not telling you Jesus is Returning tomorrow. One day to God is a 1,000 years to us, (2 Peter 3:8).

Do you realize what that means?

Our entire lifetime is just a blink in God’s eye when we consider His time to our own.

If you want my personal opinion, I would say we have at least 5-10 years to go, wife says 10 or more. Just our opinion, hope we’re wrong. I just know things take time, but at the same time, events are occurring faster than ever.

If we are truly arriving at that moment in time we all await for, these birth pains will continue with intensity, the headlines we read of will become more disturbing to us. God will continue to be replaced and removed from society, any real meaningful resemblance of Him anyway.

No matter what your beliefs are, you should prepare your home for His Return, but also prepare that He will not Return within your lifetime. No one wants to hear that, however, I would not be a responsible Christian if I did not bring that to your attention. Enjoy each and every day God gave you, squander nothing. Live today as if it were your last.

Alright, I did not plan to dive in like this, sometimes it happens, I hope it helps. This is really what I wanted to cover today…

Escalating Events

In recent days, the U.S. Capitol incident opened a new wave of division in our nation. We are now seeing conservatives divided from conservatives. We have covered this topic in-depth in, 2021: The State Of Our Union.

We have free speech being removed from the internet, but remember, all these social platforms are businesses. They do not have to grant you freedom of speech, they have terms of service that you agree to when you sign up for their service. We just never read them, and they change over time.

If you do not like their policies, then stop using their service! Do not sit there and complain about it, and then go and use their platforms to talk with family and friends. You are a part of the problem and it’s absolutely foolish. Your choice, just think about what it means. Remember, the only thoughts and opinions on social media, are those they want you to see.

Speaking of freedom of speech, Cumulus Media, one of America’s largest talk-radio companies told its conservative broadcasters to tone down the election fraud allegations, or face termination.

“We need to help induce national calm NOW… will not tolerate any suggestion that the election has not ended. The election has been resolved and there are no alternate acceptable ‘paths.’…  If you transgress this policy, you can expect to separate from the company immediately.”

Brian Philips, Executive VP Cumulus

No longer are we able to hold opinions that deviate from the mainstream, without threats. We all knew this moment was coming, it has been in the works for a number of years. It simply took time, it took years of conditioning our mind through propaganda to get us to accept this moment.

Those moments from the past were birth pains. Birth pains for what has now come upon us.

Much of this psychological conditioning has also been made possible through our education system. Government funded schools enabled us to be conditioned to government propaganda.

This is America, there is no propaganda some may think…

They quickly forget what their nation used to look like, or never knew it at all due to their young age. I bring up these thoughts considering this headline,

“Hate speech” and “hate crimes” are fairly newer terms. They were baby steps that brought us to the moment we now live in. Many of us rejected these phrases in the beginning, but the more the phrases were repeated to us, the more we became accepting of them.

With these phrases now widely accepted, the government can now define and change the definition of what “hate speech” is. In fact, we are seeing companies do this. The National Realtor’s Association (NAR) recently said,

Bias against protected classes revealed through the public posting of hate speech could result in REALTORS® not taking clients from certain protected classes or not treating them equally, which would
lead to violations of the Fair Housing Act due to overt discrimination or disparate impact.


Notice, not only do we have “hate speech” now, but there are “protected classes” of people. That is in fact discrimination, which they claim they are not doing.

However, with policies such as these, it clearly documents they are discriminating against those who are not a part of such “protected classes”.

This is more psychological warfare.

Now, The National Realtor Association’s new “hate speech” rules apply to 1.4 million members of the organization. These rules apply to all communications, private, and or otherwise, online or offline. Failure to comply will result in fines and even removal from the Association.

Of course, a protected class these days consists of homosexuals who God is against. So you can no longer explain what God thinks about the subject.

Friends, that is not protecting anyone. That is silencing speech. That is silencing the Word of God. Amos 8:11 should have just come over your mind.

The Next President…

They tell us, socialist Joe Biden will be the next President of the United States. This means, the debt in our nation will go up even more than under Trump. It means our nation will not get better, and should our nation continue on, the President after Biden, regardless if he is a Republican or Democrat, will become worse yet again.

Recently, Biden announced his new Cabinet. It includes a whole slew of people that you should not comment against if you are a part of the NAR. I want to show you what equality and unity means.

Listen to this.

Equality and Unity are not about finding the best candidate. It is all about making political points. Biden and friends are more concerned about race and gender than they are with true “talent”.

None of this surprises us, however, all of these things should remind you…

The birth pains are coming closer together. This means we will witness the downfall of our nation which will be replaced with a New World Order. Combined together, this will bring about the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

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