The Separation Of America

Never in our lifetime have we seen Americans become so divided. The division in years past was always there, yet, both sides somehow managed to work together. At least they made it appear that way.

Today, they are no longer divided, they have now become separated. They are now at each other’s throats. The Republicans point the finger at the Democrats, and the Democrats point the finger at the Republicans. It’s a vicious cycle that has escalated exponentially.

Just days ago, we reached a breaking point in our nation.

The U.S. Capitol was stormed by Patriots who had enough, (see: 2021: The State Of Our Union). Yes, there were undesirables present. However, law enforcement also stood aside in some cases and invited the protestors into the Capital. Other law enforcement officers are seen waving them in.

Who is surprised?

Not me.

Do we honestly believe all law enforcement officers are bad guys?

Give me a break already.

We have lots and lots of good honest law enforcement officers out there, they are people like you and I. They also make up some of our readers here. They too have had enough.

Nevertheless, that too is a part of the separation we are witnessing unfold in our nation.

Earlier this year, we began to see Big Tech censor thoughts. We were even affected by it. Then, Parler was banned and shut down by Amazon days ago. That triggered a mass exodus from Twitter. In fact, Twitter’s stock price is tumbling right now! Continue to exit these platforms, do not help them make money, and control our thoughts.

The Theater Of Two Sides

It is critically important that you do not allow yourself to become grouped and sucked into the two sides. That is theater, all the world’s a stage. We have said that many times on this site, and now it is time for a reminder.

Neither side is calling on God are they?

If you do not call on God, He is not with your cause and we need God right now as a people and nation. Therefore, any outcome will not be for the good of the people, as God is not present within these two opposing groups. Watch, be patient, and stick with God.

Theater: The Right Is Labeled As Enemy

The theater escalates and now presents us with this thought… If you are a Trump supporter, you are dead to Big Tech. Even Donald Trump himself was banned by Twitter, and now Deutsche Bank.

Then just yesterday, was kicked off the internet by GoDaddy. No rhyme or reason, they just went with the wave against conservatives. A Washington Post columnist said, Trump Supporters ‘Need to Be Deprogrammed’. Even Stripe, the payment processing service stopped payments to Trump’s campaign.

You see what this is causing right?

Do Not Entertain Satan’s Agenda

It is really easy to get caught in the middle of this mess and want to pick a side. Hey, we know one of the two sides is better than the other here, no question about that.

However, you have to remember what Jesus told us.

And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

Luke 16:8

The children of this world are a whole lot wiser than the children of light, (Luke 16:8). That would be you and I. They control your Fox News and they control their CNN. You get the point, I hope.

No matter what it is, their goal is to confuse you. To keep you in a constant state of fear, panic, doubt, and uncertainly.

In the end, the media is controlled by the dark powers of this world, and as we have said for years, they all mingle together. I am talking about our politicians and the people on the news. They all play together when the TV goes off.

Look, you cannot play with Satan. You cannot entertain Satan for a single instant, (James 4:7). You cannot entertain your enemy, so why have our politicians, and media personalities done this?

They have allowed political correctness into their life, and a big paycheck clouded their mind. Then, some side with Satan’s plans to begin with, knowingly or not makes no difference. The end result is always the same.

Society Is Fractured

This fracture of society is not going away. It will only become worse, and it has become a major precedent for the future. This cannot be underestimated.

You should also not underestimate how this separation is a precursor, and reminder for what it will be like for you and I moving forward.

I cannot stress this enough, we, Christians who stand with God are going to be the outcasts of society. Today is nothing compared to what is coming. I do not say that to scare you, but to make you aware, and take note. To use these now daily examples to remind you that this is training camp for the future.

Domestic Terrorism

The U.S. Capitol incident also paved the way for more massive government intervention. Many of us will now be labeled as Domestic Terrorists. In fact, Biden called the Patriots who stormed the Capitol Terrorists. This setup what will become a new Domestic Terror law.

According to the Wall Street Journal,

Mr. Biden has said he plans to make a priority of passing a law against domestic terrorism.

The Patriots at the Capitol were egged on for months, and given a rallying cry before the Capitol was stormed. This helped set up the next wave of America’s destruction.

In a related article the Wall Street Journal explains,

President-elect Joe Biden, who has said he plans to make a priority of passing a law against domestic terrorism, has also been urged to create a White House post overseeing the fight against ideologically inspired violent extremists and increasing funding to combat them, according to people who have advised his team.

A proposal for the Biden presidency’s first 100 days, now with Mr. Biden’s transition team for consideration, also calls for passing more red-flag laws, which allow authorities to temporarily take guns from people deemed dangerous, some of the people said.

Remember the MIAC Report from back in 2008?

You will find an image copy of excerpts from that report here. You will be disturbed by the text you read. It labels people like you and I as Domestic Terrorists for some of the Christian beliefs we hold.

We are now walking a tight rope. The only way across that rope is to keep your eye on Jesus Christ, not any man or politician. They will not, and they cannot save you.

Conspiracies Leave Jesus Out

Do not get caught up in conspiracy, none of the sides are talking about Jesus Christ and without His Light leading your path, you will be lost in the dark, (Psalms 119:105).

It does not matter who the President of the United States is. That should be clear to you by now. With each passing Presidency, we find our nation in more debt, we find ourselves with fewer freedoms, and so on. It does not matter if our President is Republican or Democrat.

It does not matter who takes over the office of the President. We are being led down a road to the New World Order. The Democrats just get us there faster, whichever Democrat leads the charge.

The Separation Will Continue

In the days ahead, this separation will continue. Times will become more uncertain and dangerous for us all. Watch your surroundings, be alert, be prepared. Most importantly, stay focused on God.

Take note of what is happening, take note of what events really boil down too. These events are setting up more clampdowns on our rights. They are setting up the idea of more security and more government intervention. COVID-19 has been a major escalating factor here.

This separation will mean those who do not comply with whatever agenda comes along will not be allowed to participate in certain aspects of society. That is what the Mark of the Beast is all about. These things are not the Mark, but they certainly seem to be preparing us for it.

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