Bug Burgers Coming To A Plate Near You

First, they wanted us to eat weeds, now they want us to eat bugs. If you live in the European Union, a bug burger could soon be squirming its way to your plate. Folks, this is a globalist agenda, the same thing goes for the “tiny home” movement.

I tell you what, I may consider eating a bug burger if Bezos, Zuckerberg, Musk, and the Rothschild’s start eating them as well. We know that’s not going to happen, only the surfs like you and I must eat the bugs.

Barrons reports,

The EU’s food watchdog on Wednesday paved the way for diners across Europe to tuck into insects as it gave safety approval for human consumption of dried yellow mealworm.

The move by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is the preliminary step needed before officials can decide whether to allow the beetle larvae to be sold to consumers across the 27-nation bloc.

Of course the bugs won’t harm you and they are loaded with protein.

Mmm, Mmm, good.

This is all instigated by globalists and their wild beliefs about man-made climate change. In fact, they believe cow farts are contributing to climate change. So the less beef you consume, the fewer cows we have which means, we get fewer cow farts!

Sadly, that was not a joke.

Even the Wall Street Journal chimed in… Not on cow farts, rather, bug burgers.

Wednesday’s announcement means the grubs—actually beetle larvaecould soon be ground down and used as a protein-rich flour to make pasta and bread, or consumed whole in stir-frys and other recipes. The next steps involve getting marketing and labeling approvals, and for the European Commission to sign off on the European Food Safety Authority’s decision.

They continue,

The bigger question, perhaps, is whether Europeans will want to eat bugs—long a popular snack in parts of Asia and Latin America—even if they are ground down into flour.

I could give two rips if bugs are considered prime rib in Asia or Latin America. We are constantly told we need to embrace things as other nations do it.

Guess what folks?

That is why we have nations, they can do what they want, and we can do what we want. Since I respect other cultures, they can eat my share of the bugs. I will take the chicken and beef with my vegetables thank you very much.

That was not an insult, in many foreign nations they do eat bugs. That is simply not my culture and I don’t want it introduced in our country.

This is simply about furthering the globalist agenda under the banner of climate change. Just talking about this subject turns my stomach, no it’s not the bugs. It’s the fact that we have allowed evil people to run our world.

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