Danish Govt Backs Down On Forced COVID Vaccinations After Citizens Protest With Pots And Pans

Read that headline, again, and again. This is what freedom is about, never giving up, and always fighting for what is right until you have what is rightfully yours.

After 9 days of protests, with pots and pans, the Danish people were able to convince their government forced vaccination are a bad idea. Praise God, though I am sure the fight is not over.

Life Site News reports, the Danish forced vaccine bill,

…had provisions allowing the use of police to force vaccinations on certain groups defined by the state. While the ruling Social-Democrat coalition government intends to come back with a new or an amended draft law, public outrage has already ensured that it will be under intense scrutiny, especially since all parties except the Social-Democrats have voiced their opposition.

I have to add, you are going to be hard pressed to find any real sources for this development. It is only being realized through social media channels.

For those interested, here is the 285 page bill. This article explains the bill and discusses why it is bad, which should be pretty obvious.

When we watched the first video, we were reminded of the Israelites marching on Jericho. Never ever forget, with God, all things are possible, (Matthew 19:26).

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