California Decrees COVID Curfews

California’s king, I mean Governor has now decreed 41 of the 58 counties must now adhere to COVID curfews. The curfews will be in effect from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. starting Saturday.

So what exactly is this going to prevent?

Most people are at home by 10pm anyway.

This is just another step in the process of removing your rights. This simply keeps the idea of giving up freedoms at the whim of an oppressive government alive.

A Reality Check

Let me ask, how many of you are caving in?

I mean at least put up a good show. Ditch the mask, if someone asks you to wear it to walk into the store, ask them if it’s required by store policy. Depending on their answer, you get your mask or you go elsewhere.

Look, we have been in liberal Oregon and California over the last few months. We have been in the big cities and the rural places. We have been the only people in big cities without a mask. Did we get dirty looks in Washington?

Yeah, we did! So what!

Grow a backbone man.

For the Christian, if you are afraid of a dirty look or being talked to over COVID, and you believe you live in the last days, and want to make a stand for Christ, then just forget about it. Hang up your Christian jersey because God needs people with backbones, not a bunch of wimps.

I just am not the guy to sugar coat it for you okay? It’s not going to happen.

The Rest Of The Story

Alright. You should know Orange County California actually has a decent functioning brain. This is what their Sheriff had to say.

I wish I could give that guy a COVID high five.

Even California’s own Governor Newsom knows COVID is bull. I mean look at this guy partying it up with his buddies in a public restaurant.

Newsom later apologized saying,

“I want to apologize to you because I need to preach and practice, not just preach and not practice”

He only apologized because the guy got caught. This guy is vile, beyond vile. Chances are, your Governor is as well.

Americans. With that now laid out…

Why are you continuing to listen and adhere to a bunch of would be dictators? I mean there are no laws, there is no mask law, there is no lockdown law, and there is no work from home law.

All of this has been decreed by elected officials.

That does not make them laws.

Did you not read what Supreme Court Justice Alito said?


For anyone new here, let me add some perspective.

I think we are reaching the end of the line here. Our country is a disaster, the whole system has now been cast in doubt, and I think the new world order is just around the corner. It will take time though.

Nevertheless, I am not willing to just stand around sucking my thumb. I grew up in poor and bad neighborhoods, and if you allowed yourself to be bullied, you became the punk. If you stood your ground, people respected you, and they didn’t bother you.

I may not be able to change the world for the better, but me and my family will always do what is right. I hope you do the same.

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