Division And Manufactured Crisis

With each passing day, the events of our world become much, much worse. It is like we are watching a train wreck in slow motion. We know how it ends, but all the minute details are unclear. So we are going to focus on the big picture.

Manufactured Crisis

It is a fact, COVID-19 is a manufactured crisis. The death rate is 0.1% – 0.4% and the CDC confirmed this themselves. Yet, America and the world over have been locked down in their homes for months. Upset, angry, and without a job.

When the death rate was at its highest, government began easing the illegal lockdown restrictions. That is a trap, a trap to bring about a “second wave” later this year and potentially lockdown the people once again.

Regardless, just a few short weeks after the lockdowns we now have protests which quickly turned into riots over the death of George Floyd. I have never seen an event so dramatically and drastically change our nation. Not even 9/11 was this swift.

In my opinion, the failure of government to act early on and stop the riots only documents they wanted a new crisis that has now spread across our nation. We now have a new manufactured crisis concerning ideology.

Add to the fact, the rioters have been mingling together for 12 days now all during the COVID-19 Pandemic, is there much doubt we will hear about a second wave?


Both of these events are about one thing, control.

Control over your physical being, control over your thought process, and even control over your own spirit as the onslaught of bad news beings to weigh upon us.

As the headlines continue to disillusion us with crisis after crisis and backwards logic, we can quickly see how the Christian and red, white and blue American are quickly becoming the enemy.


Everyone is turning against everyone, race against race, cops against cops, cops against people. All we see is division, and that is how you divide a people, a nation, and world.

Listen to the words of Christ,

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.

Matthew 12:25

Division brings confusion and confusion brings forward chaos.


The riots and chaos that have spread in our nation triggered the President to call for the military in the streets. Something that was rumored during COVID-19. So we see a different cause, but the same result.

This time, many conservative people are calling for the military in the street. That is a trap! The Constitution provides no room for such actions by the Federal Government.

It is up to the states to take off the gloves and allow law enforcement to do their job in order to stop the riots. Our law enforcement officials are essentially being handcuffed. We know they have the hardware to stop this, they have purchased military grade hardware for years.

They are simply being hamstrung and there are numerous reports of officers now losing their jobs for doing them. There are now movements to defund police departments. This will not end well.

Who will protect the people?…

The military?

In reality, the riots are yet another manufactured crisis. They can blame it on Antifa if they want to, they can blame it on the left if they want to, but in the end, we will see more government control over the people, period.

Remember, who controls both sides?

The Enemy

Satan through the dark powers of this world controls both sides, (Ephesians 6:12). They control the left and they control the right. If you are wise enough, you can spot them very clearly in both political spectrums. Democrats and Republicans, not just the parties, but those who support the parties. They are also financers, media personalities, cabinet members, and so on.

Parable Of The Tares

In the parable of the tares, Jesus mentioned the tares and the wheat will grow together in the field, (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43).

If one observes how a tare grows, they look just like wheat in the field, but as harvest approaches, the tares produce a poisonous black seed that is easily discerned from the golden seed of wheat.

I am explaining to you, the tares being the wicked are beginning to ripen for the harvest, that can only mean one thing.

Harvest is approaching…

Economic Collapse

We have not even mentioned the economy in this article, that is an unrealized disaster waiting to happen. Millions of Americans have now stopped paying their rents, car payments, and mortgages while the government artificially manufactures more money to remedy the crisis.

There is no remedy to this crisis, only a complete reset and overhaul of the system will fix it. That is by design, and at some point I am sure everyone will be calling for such an event.

The only way everyone would call for a new financial system is if the effects of a collapse are so devastating there was no other perceived choice.

More Crisis’ Will Come

We now live in a constant state of disaster, there is no sense in playing the blame game. The only thing that matters is we know the train is going to go off the tracks. The train is the current global structure. This must happen if we truly live in the last days to bring about a new world order.

We will see more chaos and unrest, so much so that the government just may press the boot upon us, all for our benefit of course. To protect us, from their own manufactured crisis. However, the Christian, the red, white, and blue American will not be a part of the “us“.

How do I know?

Take a look around.

Churches are closed, flags are being disrespected, monuments are being destroyed, desecrated, and removed.

Submission By Taking A Knee

How are your knee’s?

Are you bending them to appease law breakers?

Today, everyone is bending their knee, bowing before lawbreakers in a sign of submission. Law enforcement is doing it, mayors, Prime Ministers, and other community leaders.

We do not bend our knee to anyone!

The only One you bend your knee before is God, and everyone will do that on the first day of the Millennium. You stand, do not even think about bowing to pressure. Bowing, taking the knee is a form of worship, look how it is being pressed upon the people.

We are quite literally seeing precursors to what will happen during the Tribulation. The whole world will bend their knee before Satan, for his cause, as they will believe he is God. It will be a form of obedience to the false messiah, it will be The Great Apostasy.

Submission By Wearing A Mask

We also see mask wearing all over the globe, to protect us from COVID-19 of course. Though scientific studies have shown, wearing a mask does not help as the cloth masks do not capture the small COVID-19 particles.

Wearing a mask is only an excuse, it is yet another form of control over you. To get you to conform to the ideology of the world. This is not a religious thing, it is a mind control thing. Getting you to agree to go along with the globalist agenda. Going along with their every whim.

When we dawn the mask, we display our submission to the global agenda taking place before our world. We display our agreement with the COVID-19 propaganda and help spread the lie by conforming to it. Essentially, we allow ourselves to be silenced, by not speaking out, and we become a part of the problem.

Now more than ever before, think before you act.

Division Of The End Times

During the Ten Plagues of Egypt, I want you to remember what God said.

And I will put a division between my people and thy people: to morrow shall this sign be.

Exodus 8:23

Just as God created division among His People, and Pharaoh’s people. God is creating division, that is separation from His People, and the world’s people. This is becoming clearer by the day. Remember, though the Israelites had to live through the plagues that effected Egypt, they were not harmed by those plagues.

In Revelation 13 we also see a separation take place, those who accept the Mark of the Beast and those who do not accept the Mark of the Beast. It is an ideology, an ideology that has very real physical, mental, and spiritual consequences.

Most of the world will accept this irrational ideology, they will accept the Mark of the Beast, but some will accept God’s mark which is the Sealing spoken of in Revelation 7.

Stand With Jesus

Comfort yourselves with the words of Jesus Christ.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27

These were some of Jesus’ last words before He left earth. Jesus’ words are peace, they bring peace to our mind and spirit. The world’s words are quite the opposite, they bring fear, anxiety, and depression. Do not let that creep in, do not let it creep in one bit.

Stand with Christ my friends, stand taller and stronger now more than ever before and let the peace of Jesus Christ be with you.

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

We have the victory, it has been Sealed, we must simply stand to claim it.

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