This Is Why We Don’t Take A Knee

How anyone can make an excuse for riots is beyond me, yet, companies and stars are doing just that on a daily basis. For me, this song right here, this is why we do not take a knee and why we should be standing united.

If the words in this song do not bring it home for you, then you do not love this country and you never did.

We know all the wars Johnny mentioned were not necessarily just, or even good causes. Our generation can do nothing about that. That is behind us, and those events created the country we have today. A country that people from all over the globe come to due to the freedom and opportunity it offers.

People call this nation racist, yet this nation must have the most mix of races anywhere on earth. We have opened our borders legally to those who want to be a part of the American Dream. All races are welcome to join us, and continue to build this nation.

Unfortunately, many of us born in the U.S. do not appreciate what the red, white, and blue really means anymore. We truly do not understand why people come the world over to be a part of this once great nation.

Our education system has been corrupted and we have lost our American values. Instead of being proud of the red, white, and blue. We are constantly told we should apologize for it, and that it is wrong.

Generations of children have grown up without fathers, due to a broken society created by those who have pushed God out of our lives and country. This in part, is one of the reasons why we find ourselves in this moment…

Some in this country feel they are entitled to the blessings the U.S. has to offer. They feel entitled to what is not theirs and think they can have whatever they want without work. That is not God’s Way, but no one remembers that anymore as God was pushed out and replaced with perversion and confusion.

As a people, as a nation, we have lost our way. Our compass no longer points true.

As I jump from news article to news article, one constant continues to play out. The rejection of common sense and truth, it is continually stomped out and excuses are made to embrace confusion and chaos.

Those thoughts and ideals are not rooted in the red, white, and blue. They are rooted in everything that stands against her. They are rooted in everything that stands against God. These things are only able to prosper when God is removed, and good men do nothing.

We are truly at a pivotal point in world history. When we combine the events of 2020 together, and they are connected, we can see this will only draw our world further a part into something mankind has never witnessed before.

As these events continue to unfold, do not become lost in the sea of chaos and confusion Luke 21:25 mentions. Stay true to Christ, stick with Him and His way. He does not change as the truths of this world change from day to day. If everyone is pushing in one direction, you should stop and ask yourself why…

One day, the whole world will push in one direction, right into the arms of Satan who will claim to be God. This will not happen overnight, the setup will begin with mass confusion, we are seeing that with each passing day. While society becomes divided over truth, it unites under the banner of confusion.

There are only two forces in this universe, good and evil, God’s side and Satan’s side. God stands for everything true, while Satan is the father of lies and confusion.

As confusion abounds, it signals to me we are headed in a very dangerous direction. We are headed for a world not founded in truth and God, but one founded and headed by Satan…

As Christians of all colors, we do not take a knee for those things which offend God and our once blessed nation. We do not take a knee to appease lawbreakers. We do not take a knee or agree to be silenced into submission.

We are witnessing an example of what is to come upon the entire world, The Great Apostasy.

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