NATO Troops To Ukraine?

This is a wild one…

I mean, just when you think things might actually calm down for a moment. That’s about the time the crack pots come out of the woodworks to mess it all up again. The doom just never ends.

So let’s get right to it…

The prime minister of Slovakia said,

“A number of Nato and EU member states are considering that they will send their troops to Ukraine on a bilateral basis.”


This came out in a “hastily-arranged meeting of European leaders in Paris.”

  • What exactly are they going to do in Ukraine?
  • Help fight against the Russians?
  • Have these people lost all their marbles?


Then again, perhaps they never had any to begin with.

Now, while they just kicked the ol doom meter up a notch, this comes on the heels of NATO holding the largest military exercise since the Cold War. That actually took place last month and over 90,000 troops participated.

So it seems everyone is hell bent on destruction.

By the way, the Slovakian Prime Minister is not the only one talking about NATO troops being shipped off to Ukraine…

French President Emmanuel Macron said,

“There is no consensus today to send ground troops… but nothing should be excluded. We will do whatever it takes to ensure that Russia cannot win this war



By the way…

Who’s this “we?”

I tell you what, I’d love to see Macron go fight in the war. I’d just love it! Then again, I’d love it if every politician had to go fight the wars, instead of the people. I would venture to guess, wars would end pretty quickly, but I digress.

So this whole NATO troops to Ukraine business ties into a “new coalition,” to send even more weapons of war and death to Ukraine to kill more Russians.

Now, let’s hear it from Macron…

“We are convinced that the defeat of Russia is indispensible to security and stability in Europe.”

Yep, they’re still on that kick…

“Russia must be defeated at all costs.”

And you wonder why I wrote this article last week?

Days prior to this chatter about NATO troops in Ukraine, the U.S. warned its allies that Russia might put a nuke in space.

You know, they made a movie about that. I think it was called, “Space Cowboys.” Everything turned out fine in the end.

Meanwhile, the radical Houthis rebels in Yemen allegedly “disrupted” underwater cables linking Europe and Asia together. Honestly, I don’t know what to believe anymore. I mean, we still don’t know who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline!

But, hey, we know the Houthis did this one.

Then again, that’s why you can’t be a headline reader…

The same article I linked begins with this paragraph.

“Four underwater communications cables between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti have been struck out of commission in recent months, presumably as a result of attacks by Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, according to an exclusive report in the Israeli news site Globes.”

J Post

There you have it.

The cable disruption happened in “recent months,” and it was “presumably” by the Houthis.

That’s why I always say, don’t be a headline reader.

Headlines are skewed big time!

The only way you can become educated folks is by actually reading material. Not titles. I have to say this as it’s extremely common these days for people to read headlines and call themselves educated on matters.

Hey, did you become educated by reading the title of Genesis or Revelation?


You had to crack the Book and read through each and every page, right?

You get my point.

Read, read, read, and then read some more.

I brought you to this point in this article to show you the madness in the world. Moreover, to show you how manipulation is used every day to drive someone’s agenda.

Don’t get caught up in the manipulation.

This is not about “our country against theirs.”

It’s about darkness against light, a massive spiritual war is taking place right now.

Don’t fall into the political trap, otherwise it just may become a spiritual trap…

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