Fauci: America Getting Back To Normal ‘Might Not Ever Happen’ Without A Vaccine

Dr. Anthony Fauci is apart of the White House coronavirus task force. His deeply concerning remarks come on the heels of him explaining the Coronavirus may become seasonal, and we may have to remain on lockdown until there are no new cases of Coronavirus.

By “official” definition then, Coronavirus will be with us year after year causing government-imposed devastation, social and economic disparity. That means, according to officials, we need some way of protecting the people, and that my friends is where we see the big vaccine push come into play.

Microsoft founder turned philanthropist Bill Gates added to the hysteria saying, it might not be until the fall of 2021 that Americans “can be completely safe” from Coronavirus.


That is how long it will take for a vaccine to be produced, tested and deployed.

Listen to the question Fauci is asked and his response.

You will note that Fauci echoed the exact same sentiments as Bill Gates who said,

“The vaccine is critical, because, until you have that, things aren’t really going to be normal. They can open up to some degree, but the risk of a rebound will be there until we have very broad vaccination.” – CNBC

Fauci And Gates Are Working Together

Fauci and Gates appear to be in tune with one another, we are going to find out, this is not by coincidence, but by design. The two are working together on a much larger project, and have much to gain from the development and deployment of a vaccine.

Let’s document that.

“The World Health Organization, UNICEF, the National institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have announced a collaboration to increase coordination across the international vaccine community and create a Global Vaccine Action Plan,” the Gates Foundation reported in a press release. “The collaboration follows the January 2010 call by Bill and Melinda Gates for the next ten years to be the Decade of Vaccines.

Of course, Gates has invested billions of dollars into vaccine research, and billions more will be added for a Coronavirus vaccine.

The Wall Street Journal explains,

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will work with seven makers of a possible vaccine to develop facilities and manufacture doses. 

So we can clearly see, Bill Gates will profit greatly over a vaccine, no wonder he is pushing so hard for it, and let us not forget, Bill Gates said, ‘Digital Certificates Are Coming To Prove Your Vaccination Record’

How about Fauci, does he have anything to gain from a vaccine being pushed on the world’s population?

Of course he does. Fauci is tied to the Gates Foundation, and specifically the “Decade of Vaccines Collaboration”. In fact, Fauci is listed as one of five individuals on the “Leadership Council”.

Now we can begin to see why Fauci and Gates are so in tune and are pushing vaccines so hard. We have a great conflict of interest here, and our nation, and world is being directed by individuals like this.

That means we should question their agenda, motives and the whole Coronavirus Pandemic to begin with.

Questioning Coronavirus

It may surprise you to learn 75% more people have died from Seasonal Flu than Coronavirus in the United States. These numbers come right from the CDC and WHO.

You may also be surprised to read what the CDC has said about the Coronavirus.

CDC: Most Coronavirus Cases Are Mild

“Information so far suggests that most COVID-19 illness is mildCDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019

“COVID-19 can cause mild to severe illness; most severe illness occurs in older adults.”CDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019

CDC: Most People With Coronavirus Recover At Home

Most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care.CDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019

Most people who have Coronavirus suffer mild illness and recover at home without medical care. These are the CDCs words, but if you listen to the mainstream media they would have you believe Corinavirus means certain death.

CDC And The Seasonal Flu

The CDC also explains,

Older people and people of all ages with severe chronic medical conditions — like heart disease, lung disease and diabetes, for example — seem to be at higher risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness. CDC: Coronavirus Disease 2019

That is exactly what we see with the Seasonal Flu. The CDC reported out of the 43,000 Americans who died from Seasonal Flu, 75% of them were over 65 years old. Typically those in poor health.

Even more interesting, the CDC explains less than 1% die from Coronavirus aged 20-54, and zero deaths for those 19 and under.

The CDC provides us with even more information. Looking at this CDC chart we can see 50% of the Coronavirus deaths were from people who also had Pneumonia.

The question must be asked then, what was placed on the death certificate of these patients: Coronavirus or Pneumonia?

In our report, from the CDC’s own documents we discovered the CDC is inflating the Coronavirus death count.

This is a CDC quote,

In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”

That should be shocking to most of us. Especially since the Seasonal Flu has killed 75% more Americans than Coronavirus.

  • All despite the CDC inflating the Coronavirus numbers.
  • All despite 50% of the cases where the patient had Coronavirus and Pneumonia.

This completely proves, the CDC is inflating the Coronavirus death toll, and our own government has locked down our nation over these blatantly false and inadequate numbers.


Further, our entire world has been locked down in unprecedented fashion and all we are hearing is that a vaccine will be produced to protect us. Then we have Bill Gates who said there will be a “digital certificate” to validate your vaccination.

We are seeing far too much coordination at this point globally, all while we witness the collapse of the global financial system.

Could there be more at play here?

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