Here Come Digital Currencies: China, Russia, U.S. Push Forward

Just last week Russia announced plans to launch its new digital currency, possibly by summer. Not to be outdone, China is charging ahead in its own effort to launch a digital currency.

As I read these articles, no matter what country is being discussed, the same exact reasons are given as to why we need a national digital currency.

National Digital Currencies Do Not Benefit People

Read this quote,

While Bitcoin was designed to be decentralized so that no company or government could control it, digital currencies created by central banks give governments more of a financial grip. These currencies can enable direct handouts of money that expire if not used by a particular date and can make it easier for governments to track financial transactions to stamp out tax evasion and crack down on dissidents.


That article has more details on China’s current progress.

However, I want to point out the entire reason nations are seeking digital currencies. It gives them more power over the people. It also enables the government to track and tax every single transaction.

Notice, with a national digital currency, the government can then crackdown on “dissidents”. That is anyone who is not pushing the government’s agenda.

Think about it. You are a Christian, in China you are illegal and in the United States, our faith is becoming watered down and pushed aside.

Check out this next quote from the same article,

This is about more than just money,” said Yaya Fanusie, a fellow at the Center on Economic and Financial Power, a think tank, and an author of a recent paper on the Chinese currency. “It’s about developing new tools to collect data and leverage that data so that the Chinese economy is more intelligent and based on real-time information.”

The cat is out of the bag.

Digital currencies are not just about money, they are about collecting data on the users. That would be you and I. While they are speaking about China here, this applies to all digital currencies.

Digital Currency High Priority For U.S.

In another article, U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told Congress,

Developing a digital dollar is a “high priority project for us,” but added that there are “significant technical and policy questions.”


Of course the digital dollar is a high priority for the United States, they want to spy and control their citizens as well.

Treasury Secretary and former Fed chair Janet Yellen added,

Too many Americans don’t have access to easy payments systems and banking accounts, and I think this is something that a digital dollar, a central bank digital currency, could help with. It could result in faster, safer and cheaper payments, which I think are important goals.”

That is simply an excuse in order to push this agenda on the people.

Even if you are broke and live on the streets, cash is far easier to use than any digital currency. Cash requires no device, unlike a digital currency.

Further, Credit Union accounts are typically free. So we do not need to invent an entirely new monetary system for the poor. That is ridiculous, but a good excuse to get the people to accept it.


In reality, this is all about unleashing the radical United Nations backed ID2020 program that seeks to create an online identity for the people of the world. This will make it possible for governments to track and catalog all people, especially, the “dissidents”.

I should not have to tell you, these types of systems will be used against all people, but certainly Christians during the Tribulation.

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