It’s “Pride Month” And Americans Are Really Unhappy

A “poll” says Americans are more unhappy now than any point in the last 50 years. Of course, our unhappiness has nothing to do with being scared to death over COVID-19 and locked in our homes, or the radical left-wing riots that go on unchecked right? I think we need some self-reflection today…

Yes, self reflection!

After-all, this is Gay Pride Month.

Isn’t everyone supposed to be “gay” and happy?

That’s the thing folks. Our country is not happy, people are upset, disgusted, frustrated and who knows what else.

We all know why, but few are willing to speak out about it, as it’s not popular with the mainstream media or corporate America. Well, to hell with that bunch since they do not represent Christian Conservative America.

We are upset, unhappy, and frustrated as we have caved into these “unifying” agendas that have been placed before us for generations. We were told, we should allow and accept homosexual behavior. If we do, we will be happy and the world will be a better place.

We were told if we fought “terrorists” over there, they would not come here. We were told, fighting terrorism abroad would protect us at home. Yet, riots from within are tearing our country a part due to ideologies.

We were told women should work and not take care of children at home. This was another “unifying” measure to make us “equal”. So while both parents work, our children are brainwashed, I mean educated by the public school system and raised by daycare providers.

These things led to the generation of vandals we find running the streets destroying our once blessed nation.

We let in every illegal alien we could, as they were in need, and America could provide. Our country now has a record number of illegal immigrants who do not share our ideals.

As time went on, we found all of these beliefs and ideas were wrong. We found out sometimes, something will always seem unfair to someone. We found out sometimes, some beliefs cannot be tolerated or accepted as it ruins the culture of the country overall.

Unfortunately, many of us are just waking up to this unhappy realization.

When we look back on history, when we look back on all these efforts to “unify” our nation, one thing above all has led to our unhappiness.

We removed God from our country and life.

The more we removed God from our nation, the more unhappy we have become. The more God was kicked out of our schools, the more violence we found there. The more God was removed from our government, the more corrupt it became. The more God was removed from our families, the more perversion and sin crept in.

That has been the only constant throughout this “unifying transformation”. Our transformation never had anything to do with being happy or bringing people together, that was a ruse.

In reality, our transformation was all about removing God from our life so the works of the devil could succeed and prosper.

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