Denmark Lifts All COVID Restrictions, Scraps Vaccine Passports; U.K. Joins

Fantastic news out of Denmark.

While vaccine passports in Denmark were introduced in March 2021, they have been completely abolished as of September 10th.

By reading the France24 article, it was made clear vaccination was the reason as they have a 73% vaccination rate. I do find that a little concerning, as data indicates, there is no herd immunity as new variants continue to be spun off.

To add to that, we continually hear how those who have been vaccinated become sick. So we know vaccination is not the answer.

However, truly understanding the problem is the answer….

  • 32,046 People Have Died Solely Of COVID-19

The article explains,

Authorities insist that the return to normal life must be coupled with strict hygiene measures and the isolation of sick people.

Is that anything new?

It has always been common knowledge to isolate sick people from healthy people.

We will see how this holds up, but we cannot help notice this bright spot at the moment.

COVID Vaccine Passports Scrapped For Winter By Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson will announce this week that he is scrapping plans that would have required vaccine passports for entry to nightclubs, cinemas and sports grounds.

Sunday Times

More fantastic news!

To add to it, British health minister Sajid Javid said,

“I am not anticipating any more lockdowns. I think it would be irresponsible for any health minister around the world to take everything off the table but I just don’t see how we get to another lockdown.”

More good news for the people of the U.K., not without some gray areas, but good news no less.

Considering the magnitude of the illegal lockdowns around the world over a virus with a 99.9% recovery rate. This cannot be let go. The people must press for justice.

Our governments must be accountable for breaking their own laws and treating the people as criminals for not wearing masks and social distancing.

While this is not over, if we continue to see this trend of nations backing off… We must all understand a great global precedent was set in 2020. Where people’s rights were removed in the name of a pandemic.

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