Hospital Discusses Inflating COVID Numbers To Be “More Scary To The Public”

Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, N.C. was caught in a leaked video (below) discussing inflating the COVID-19 numbers in order to scare the public.

The local media attempts to brush off the development.

WRAL reported,

The viral video features the director of marketing, a doctor who served as the former Chief of Medical Staff for New Hanover Regional Medical Center, talking about what information related to coronavirus the hospital shares with the public.

She tells the marking director that the hospital should provide information to the public about post-COVID-19 hospitalizations, which the hospital was defining as recovered even if they were still hospitalized, the video says.

The doctor Mary Rudyk said,

“We need to be completely a little bit more scary to the public.”

To heck with the actual facts, let’s just scare the public into submission. Now this is just a leaked hospital video.

What exactly do you think your politicians have been talking about?

Dr. Rudyk continues saying,

There are many people still hospitalized that are considered post covid, but were not counting in those numbers.

So how do we include those post covid people into the numbers of the patients we have in the hospital?

A man interrupts to explain, he still considered these patients as COVID patients, even though they have recovered from COVID as they are in the hospital for a variety of reasons

Yet, COVID is not one of them.

Dr. Rudyk concludes,

“We have to be more blunt. We have to be more forceful.

If you don’t get vaccinated, you know you’re going to die. Let’s just be really blunt to these people.”

That is called lying, that is called forcing an ideology on the people.

This is criminal.

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