Have We Departed From The Faith?

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

1 Timothy 4:1

We are in those latter times.

In fact, daily we see the world “depart from the faith”. That means, daily and continually Christians “depart from the faith,” many of which do not even realize it.

Departing From The Faith

Before I qualify that statement, I want you to consider the meaning of the word “faith”?

It means,

  • Moral conviction
  • The truthfulness of God
  • Reliance upon Christ for salvation

How many people today truly rely on Christ for salvation?

Oh, many people say they do!

Yet, their actions do not define the very meaning of, “believing in Jesus”. Instead, many focus intently on the world and the lies it continually peddles for truth. Many give world affairs and its devices more time than God Himself, as if world affairs can somehow save us.

Quickly distracted by the world, we become sucked into the sweet and smooth words of politicians, and the media’s version of the truth. These soon become our new talking points and objectives in life.

This places God in the backseat, often without us even realizing it.

This is how we begin to “depart from the faith”. This is how the world becomes more acceptable in our minds, even more, acceptable than God’s own Word. Soon, we begin to reason with the world’s arguments, as if they have more validity than God’s own Word.

Many of us will refuse to admit this, but I assure you it’s true. I see it everyday.

This brings us to the second half of today’s verse.

Seducing Spirits And Doctrine Of Devils

We “depart from the faith” by giving “heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils”.

The words in bold are very important, we must discuss them.

Heed” means,

  • To hold the mind
  • Pay attention to
  • Adhere to

Seducing” means,

  • Impostor
  • Misleader
  • Deceiver

While “doctrines” means,

  • Instruction
  • Learning
  • Teaching

We “depart from the faith” by paying attention to “deceivers” who promote the “instruction” of evil spirits. I imagine many are shaking their heads right now.

“Not me Brandon!”


Where exactly do you think these “deceiving spirits” roam?

In a hidden Satanic cult?

Some perhaps, but primarily right under our nose.

These “seducing spirits” instruct, whisper, and even teach our leaders in their ways. To a large degree, our leaders do not follow God’s Law, clearly outlined in their own policies. Today, they rarely invoke the name of God, for fear of being “intolerant”.

Who then do they “pay attention to,” and who “holds their mind”?

Our leaders of all sorts and persuasions tickle our ears by saying things we want to hear. However, they never hold true to their word. We quickly forget that, and instead focus on the next word and utterance from these deceivers on the right and left.

If this were not true, our world and nation would not be in the shape it is today.

Ask yourself,

Do the policies of government look Godly to you? How about some churches?

No they do not. Nor have they in recent memory.

Instead, homosexuality is continually promoted. Our governments continually fund abortion in one form or another. We continue to erase our national heritage in order to appease others.

One side may shriek about this, but nothing ever changes for the good on a national level.


We have departed from the faith. We have left God, and He has most assuredly left our nations.

In the United States, our Christian culture has all but been erased.

This too is the work of “seducing spirits and doctrines of devils”.

Yet, we must ensure that we also pin the blame on our own front door.

This Evil Comes From Satan

These “seducing spirits and devils” are even the agents of Satan himself.

We must remember,

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We do not war with men. Instead, we war with “spiritual wickedness,” even “seducing spirits”.

Where does this wickedness come from?

“The prince of this world”, even “the god of this world” who is Satan, (Ephesians 2:2, 2 Corinthians 4:4).

Ephesians makes it certain, Satan has agents in the world, but how can we identify them?

1 John 3:10
In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

This identifies the fleshly aspect. Within these, we most certainly have “seducing spirits” who whisper in the ears of men through media and the distractions of the world.

In these “latter times,” we must ensure that we do not depart from the faith.

We can only accomplish that by ensuring we have on the Gospel Armor, (Ephesians 6:10-20). By ensuring our spiritual lamps have oil in them. By ensuring that it’s the Bible that leads our daily thoughts, and not men, who are the instruments of “seducing spirits” that are in the world.

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