Never Fear, God Is On Our Side

The LORD is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?

Psalms 118:6

Such easy words to read from a page.

Such difficult words to put into action.

Do you know why that is?

We live in a world that thrives on fear.

World Of Fear, But God Comforts

Every day when you flip on the news, it’s all about fear. What dangers lurk out our window. Who is out to get us. Some people even become paralyzed by this fear. They will even lock themselves away from the world to get away from this perceived fear.

However, the world has always been an ugly place. Yes, it’s more ugly today than in the past.

Yet, that does not excuse the fact that the world has always been an ugly place. There have always been troubles and trials in life, and that’s not going to change. Nevertheless, God told us long ago, and more times than I can count, to never fear and always trust in Him, (Gen 15:1, Deut 3:22, Psa 121:7-8).

While the world may present dangers and fears. If we just trust in God, everything will work out in the end, (Romans 8:28). It doesn’t mean life is going to be a cushy ride. It means, when the bad times strike, God will be there to pull you through, (1 Corinthians 10:13).

He will lift your spirit or He will even bring someone into your life to help you with that.

For the Christian, the last thing we should be worried about is what man can do to little ol me. Instead, we need to be firm and resolute in our beliefs, to ensure we impress God, and do not fail Him. If we do, He will become our worst enemy, not some man.

A Lesson From The Israelites

The Israelites learned that lesson well.

God continually told the Israelites this.

When they listened to God, they were immensely blessed!

They pummeled their enemies, conquered land, and became a mighty nation. Unfortunately, they continually messed up along the way, until their infractions became so common and numerous, God had enough. Essentially, He dissolved the nation and scattered the people.

We have a lot to learn from this.

It wasn’t some man who scattered Israel, it was God who made it come to pass.

We often don’t consider Psalms 118:6 in this fashion, yet we should never lose sight of that.

As Christ told us,

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matthew 10:28

Instead, fear God who can destroy your soul in hell.

We focus so much on man and the fears he presents, that we often forget about God and what He wants of us. We even become more focused on the devices of men, than God. I have witnessed this for many years and I wonder in amazement at it.

So we need a history lesson to bring us back to God…

David And Goliath

When David encountered the giant named Goliath, David never feared. He went into battle without armor, not even a sword. Just a sling and a stone, (1 Samuel 17:39-40, 50). That’s all it took.

Do you know why?

Of course you do.

God was with David. When you stand firmly with God, then God is with you, and He is more than capable of defending you from your enemies. Those of the flesh and spirit I might add.

So when you go out into the world today…

Walk tall, walk proud. You are a Christian, you are a child of the Living God.

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