Doctor: “It’s Time To Start Mandating Vaccines”

CNN is pulling all the liberal hacks out of the closet to condition you to accept the vaccine.

This time, they nabbed Dr. Jonathan Reiner who spewed the following on national television.

I do think it’s time to start mandating vaccines. And I think that private industry and private organizations will do that.

Seventy-five million adults have chosen to not get vaccinated and that choice has consequences. Now, we can’t force you to take a jab in the arm but there are many jobs perhaps that can prevent you from working if you decide not to get vaccinated.

Over and over again, they continue to promote vaccine mandates. Once the government gains that much power over us, we will have no freedom left at all. When someone can tell you what goes in and out of your body without your consent, you have lost all freedom and self control.

This “doctor” even stated that private corporations and organizations should mandate vaccines for their employees and staff members.

Where have we heard this before?

The World Economic Forum brought us that message back in December. Remember our article, Business Has A Big Role To Play In Vaccinating The World. They laid out the plan for the liberal speak this doctor uttered.

Notice, this massive and radical agenda to remove your rights as human beings comes on the heels of Biden promising to send goons to your home to ensure you are properly informed about the vaccine.

CNN has more propaganda for you.

CNN: “It Is Time To Impose Vaccine Mandates And Passports”

CNN’s anti-American rhetoric continues in another hit piece by CNN political analyst Julian Zelizer who said,

It is time to impose vaccine mandates and passports. The Covid-19 vaccines continue to perform extraordinarily well, but the rate of infection is worsening in unvaccinated populations. The Delta variant is offering a sobering reminder that the pandemic has faded in much of the country but certainly not ended,” Zelizer wrote.

Look folks, there is never a good time to give up your freedom.

The government and radicals who seek to dispose of your way of life will always try to provide you a good reason to give up your freedom in the name of security, but we should never cede our freedoms for it.

People like this guy are cancer to our nation.

If he received the vaccine, and it’s so effective, what is he worried about?

He clearly cannot “follow the science”.

The cancer continues to speak.

“Both political parties have made the mistake of framing vaccines within the tradition of individualism,” he added. “Even President Joe Biden, who has demonstrated his comfort with a muscular role for government, keeps appealing to individuals to make the right and patriotic choice when it comes to receiving their jabs.”

“Biden and other political leaders need to start thinking about the good of the collective and not just the rights of the individual. Doing so is not some sort of move toward socialism, as conservative critics inevitably argue,” Zelizer said. 

The “good of the collective”, spoken like a good comrade. Spoken like a good globalist.

These people have exposed themselves as enemies of the sovereign United States. I can guarantee you one thing, no one will plunge a needle into my arm. No one, it’s just not happening. That is a line in the sand.

Organizations like CNN and anyone else promoting mandatory vaccines for work, to enter a library, a post office, I don’t care what it is, should be boycotted and called out as anti-American while it still has some meaning.

Turn off their trash, stop buying their products, stop buying their services, and reduce the effect their paranoia has on you and the rest of the American people.

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